Saturday, April 11, 2009

Full House

Jeff (above) Kelli and Birdie shopping(below)

Below is a photo of my evolving artsy journal

Hello! We had a busy day today shopping for food and gifts for Jeff's 23rd birthday and then having everyone over for dinner. Yahoo! We had lots of squealing and jumping and running! CB and Birdie loved their Easter gifts from Auntie Jay and everyone was actually in high spirits as we celebrated Jeff's birthday. Remember how yesterday I said that I wanted to carve out some individual celebration time? Yeah, I hope I can. Preparing big family meals takes so much longer than I think it will, but just the same . . . I wish to find the time to have a few precious moments alone with my Savior. Part of our shopping day was taking Birdie and Miss Bug to the outdoor mall so Kelli could get some jeans and other fun things. I had Miss Bug in the front carrier and Bird in the stroller. I looked like Super Grandma with two g-babes in tow! Whew! I did not get a nap today and now I am ready to snuggle into bed and read. Finn and CB are going to their other grandparents house for Easter. I am so glad we got to see them tonight. They are happy and excited when they are around all the commotion. Bird and Miss Bug will be back for dinner tomorrow. Jenny and Scott (and Beans the Fox) will come, too. We will have enjoyed such a joyous Easter weekend. I'll let you know about my little celebrations tomorrow evening. I pray that you have a peaceful and encouraging Easter Sunday! Thank you so much for stopping by!

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