Saturday, December 26, 2020

Post Christmas

I hope your Christmas was very happy!  I'm leaving all the decor up for a few more days (Brad's family is coming Monday) and then I'll start packing it away again.  I count it a miracle that I'm always enthusiastic about tucking all the cute stuff in the boxes.  Maybe December 26th makes me feel like I've been given more time because Christmas is over.  That's a little silly considering I'm not that busy.  I like to think about gardens even though it is way too early.  I'll plan flowers anyway.  Will you?  You can always pop over to our down under friends' blogs and see all of their flowers.  Wow!
My neighbor gave me Frangos (above) and they are so lovely. I didn't have to make fudge!  I still want to make some fudge, though.  🐷
I loved seeing the Christmas Star! 
Oh, I do hope you are able to savor some quiet moments, drink in the LOVE and mercy coming your way, every moment.
God be with you!  xo 


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Some Christmas Glow

Hello and happy December!  I've been waiting to blog until I had The Jolly Postman's tour sorted, but he is still waiting for me to complete his travel notebook. Sorry!  Are you enjoying a lovely Advent season? 
I did some more decorating today.  I saw a lovely garland full of Christmas balls (on a vlog) so I tried to make one of my ratty old garlands into a bobble garland.  I'll take a photo of it for next time.  I hung it on the Santa curtained window.  I have a few more things to do in the decorating department.  Are you doing any baking?  Making any gifts? 
Time for a long winter's nap for Tim.
Here's my mom getting ready to take a walk with my niece.  Isn't she great with her walking sticks?  I hope I get some walking sticks for Christmas. 
Jenny brought the girls over for a little baking.  She took a nice snooze.
I made these socks last year.  They are kind of crazy but cozy!  I've been knitting a lot.  I skip around from project to project. 

 Some days I feel very Christmas-y and focused and other days I'm scattered and lazy.  Maybe I need more naps like Tim.

I baked scones today and they were a real treat. Meatloaf for dinner.  I'm going to bop around and visit some blogs now.  Thank you so much for stopping in to say hello! 
