Look at the cute eraser my sister sent! It is wonderful! Works so well! Meow!
And our Brad has been practicing his penmanship/script. I love it. It's so gorgeous.
Kelli's horses giving me a nice view.
Tim loves Noah. Noah is so cozy and restful when we cuddle on Saturday mornings. I started out on the patio and rocked him in the fresh air. It reminded me of older friends who gave me advice when our babies were young. They said, "Your baby must nap outdoors whenever possible." Aw.
Bawn Bawn is an interesting little rabbit. One day we neglected to push our chairs in when we finished our schooling and the next day Miss BB had nibbled around the edges of all the workbooks. Naughty little chewer.
When I arrived at Kelli's two Fridays ago, we had a lovely May snow!
Rascal #1. This is Moose. He is a moose. It really was like having three ponies in the house.
James went across the street for a birthday party and they had a petting zoo. He chose to be a fireman (dress up affair).
We went to the drug store to buy stylists for iPads and we bought red noses, too. I forget what they raise funds for.
And we borrowed Scooby Do movies from the library. We ate a nice lunch together at a sit down restaurant.
We've been grilling vegetables. I've been going a bit heavy on the olive oil. YUM.
I am still not used to our fence but I love it! I forget that it's private now.
Senator Bob Dole came to visit. He's a nice person.
Brad and April took the family to watch the Colorado Rockies last night. SUCH a group of lovey dove-y faces!
Here's my face looking at YOU! These are my last year's eyeglasses and they are heavy and just wrong somehow. I don't like the way they look.
Here is one of my most favorite faces. Aw, Timothy! He is so sweet and almost one year old.
And Noah . . . LOVE.Such a sweet note from Birdie.
Owl pose
Lighter version
Cherries! Aren't they beautiful? We like spitting the pits in the grass.
The pansies are taking over our house. Oh well. We like the shade.
Summer is coming and the neighborhood is looking so fine. Well, hello Robbie! You are my favorite bird.
And here is a poppy for you because you are a poppy kind of person. Thank you for being so kind about my photo/technology rant. I can't rest until things are fixed so when I can't fix them quickly, I get crabby. Silly.
I'm off to book club. I just have to walk around the corner to my friend Jeanie's house. Yay! Thank you very much for saying hello!