Let's rejoice at happy things like strawberries - four containers for five dollars. This means generous portions for strawberry lovers. Grateful.
I'm moving stuff. One of Jeff's friends is coming to stay with us (live with us) and the basement (aka Pom Pom's creative mess) must be straightened. I'm moving all my creative materials up to the guest room. Now the guest room shall be my "creative materials and books" room. This doesn't sound like a big deal, does it? I wore clunky clogs to school today and my feet are KILLING me, so each time I came upon something interesting (every two minutes) I sat down to look at it. I opened old journals and found funny artwork.

I found some of my old school stuff. It reminded me of those blissful years just a short time ago when I sat in the college classroom with all the youngsters (smile) and drank deep from the fount of knowledge. Going back to school at 42 was challenging in many ways, but because I found the content so engaging, I loved it. Look at my notes! If you were a 19 year old sitting by me and you just happened to look over at my notebook, well let's just say you'd probably roll your eyes. What can I say? I'm a doodler.

Even though it is going to be exhausting and sweaty work, I will move my books and bookcases upstairs to my newly established little work room because I love to gaze in adoration at my books.

I had all my yarn, needles, cross stitch stuff, patterns, and sewing notions in a dresser. It is taking me forever to get it all relocated, especially when I have to touch it all, fondle all the different sizes of needles I forgot that I had and make some wishes . . . I wish I could fiddle around with all this pretty stuff. I wish I could take a day off (not possible - the kids start their research tomorrow!) I wish I had just a tiny bit more energy.
I'm not anywhere near finished, but I wanted to dash outside before the day disappeared completely. I know you all love forsythia.
Look at this sassy-faced girl! She's so resilient, so perky! I wanted to give her a little round of applause, but of course I had my camera in my hands.
I went through the house to the back. Worm eating robins were waiting for me there. They are growing fat.
Good night moon.
Here's another illustration by Jane Dyer. I wish I was this princess because I think I'd be okay with a fairy and two bugs administering a nice little foot bath just for me. Tomorrow, it's back to comfortable shoes. I know better.
Don't you feel romanced by spring (or autumn, my NZ friends) and aren't you thankful for all the real things? The true stuff. The sweet little gifts of life.