Saturday, September 17, 2011

Grand Tour: And They're OFF!

 Today is the big day!  Ratty, Mole, and Toad are ready to jump into a big envelope and fly to Canada to see Deborah and her family.  I tell you, they proved a bit "needy" as I prepared them for their journey.  I made extra sure they won't experience any hitches with immigration.
 The passport came from the embassy.  I must say that their passport photos are much better than my own.

 Their first STAMP.  I can't wait to see all the stamps they have when they return to Denver. 
 I put a small goodie in this "goodie envelope" at the back of the book.  Deborah will put a goodie in for Debbie at No Spring Chicken before she mails the parcel to Oregon. 
 Each blogger who receives the parcel will go right to work annotating and embellishing the book.  It's easy!  Use your colored pencils and your everyday handwriting to put your brushstrokes into the book that went around the world!  Each blogger will also place a leaf or an herb or even a flower in the leaves of this special ambassador copy of The Wind in the Willows.  When the book arrives at each destination, we'll link to the blog so everyone can see what The Three are up to!

 Ratty will provide leadership.
 Mole will provide sweet companionship.
 And Toad will provide entertainment on this wonderful wild ride!  Poop!  Poop!
 Here's what I mean about "needy".  They INSISTED upon "messing about in boats" before leaving. 
 They BEGGED to dance among the zinnias by moonlight!
 I filled them with tea.  They are Englishmen.  They do need their tea.
 It was hard to let them go, but I insisted they take the train to the post office.  They will then jump into the envelope with the book and their passport.  Off to Ontario, Canada they go.  They'll have a wonderful time with Deborah and her seven children! 
Safe travels!    
Keep watch over at Mags, too.  After seven or so stops around America, they'll fly to Ireland and from there Mags will launch them about Europe.  They'll voyage to New Zealand and Australia, too.  Lucky THREE!  Thank you for cheering them on!


Elderberry-Rob said...

How exciting that they have begun their travels - I am so looking forward to having the book for a short time and putting my mark on it! and seeing what everyone else has been up to. This is such a lovely project. Bettyx

Angela said...

oh such fun...looking forward to the trio turning up in my corner of Leicestershire

blessings x

Leslie said...

Oh, PomPom, you are so fun. What a cute idea. I'm jealous of our animal trio and they fun they will have. Safe travels and God Speed!

Unknown said...

Wow, that looks like an amazing project.

Elizabethd said...

What a world tour! I'm sure that Toad especially came from the sort of background where the Grand Tour was obligatory.
I look forward to their arrival in France....eventually!

A garden just outside Venice said...

It sounds like a fun thing to do!
Happy weekend!

magsmcc said...

O poop-poop! O joy! O fun! Why is that man walking in a seemingly carefree manner past a telephone box that obviously has inside either a giraffe with a zebra suit or some long black and white serpent of menacing intent? What is an English telephone box doing in Denver, Colorado? How are you at all filling your days now that The Three have gone? Are we counting how many days they will be gone- or goodness me, could we manage to work out the mileage???

Pom Pom said...

Over a year ago Jannelle from New Zealand sent baby Samantha a pixie hat. She wrapped it in an envelope she'd made from a children's book. I used that sweet little sleeve to tuck The Three into the mailer, all snug and good. I thought everyone would like looking at it because it's so charming.

Jo said...

Aww what a wonderful adventure for Toad, Ratty and Mole! And I have so enjoyed reading about their preparations and travels. Thank you so much for telling us all about it.

Much gratitude too for stopping by my own little space and for your warm encouragements.
JO xxx

Gumbo Lily said...

What exciting travels and adventures they will have! It'll be fun to see the updates.


Farm Girl said...

Oh so fun, I will be watching the grand tour.
You are just so creative.
I love the passport pictures.
Have a lovely weekend.

M.K. said...

Oh what fun!! Yippee!! I'm so excited that the tour has begun. We must anticipate their arrival here and prepare for their happy days in the mountains. *grin* I'll start crocheting a little happy to tuck into that envelope, right away!

Kerri said...

Goodness, this is amazing! I can't wait to hear all about their adventures!

Catherine said...

Oh you are so clever Pom Pom!! What an utterly delightful adventure for us all & those three. I know precisely the wee flower that I shall pop into the book : ) I could even start pressing it now! I will quite shortly make up a guest bed in the larder so that they will be comfy & never far from the provisions when they arrive. Thanks so much for the fun!! Squishy hug Catherine xoxox

Fat Dormouse said...

Golly-gosh-and-goodness-me! This is something very new to me and I'll have to make sure that there's a safe corner here in the Dormousehold for the trio to escape from the Cats!
I will carefully consider the "little something" to pass on too.
Thanks for the organising of it all! I look forward to welcoming my guests!

Bonnie said...

What a fun trip! Can't wait to get a "postcard" from their travels.

Left-Handed Housewife said...

This is such a grand idea! I can't wait until the fine trio make it down to Durham, NC!


Travel With Lulu said...

So fun!! What a GREAT idea :) Wishing them safe travels

melanie said...

What a great and fun idea Pom Pom :) xxx

no spring chicken said...

I feel just like a kid at Christmas...

The ideas are whirling and I thank you just for that!! You are the dearest Pom Pom I ever knew... :)

Blessings, Debbie

Floss said...

This is such fun, Pom Pom.

Come Away With Me said...

Oh my, what a well-traveled Three they shall be! I'll be watching their peregrinations with great interest.

Helen said...

Hello Pom Pom. How nice to hear from you. I've been absent from blog-land for a long time, haven't I? Hopefully i'm back on a more regular basis from now on. Lots to catch up on I see. This mammoth journey, for one. Looks interesting. x

Lisa Richards said...

Wow! Peregrinations?!? I'm so excited to be part of this fantastic voyage!! I can hardly wait to see these little visitors and add a few details to the book. I think I have an idea to tuck into the envelope and a pressed flower to slip between the pages. I LOVED all of your photos of the trip preparations, Pom Pom! You have created another sunny spot in our lives! :)

*❀* said...

this lovely, sweet, charming, gorgeous post has made me smile from ear to ear :o)
dear pom pom, though i no longer blog i still love to visit you xxx

Catherine said...

Good good! Looking forward to meeting the three! Maybe Mags and I could throw a party to celebrate their arrival.... Cx said...

This is such a fun idea...I will share it with my little one tonight. We did a journal for a little girl about our state. I went all over the world and we so enjoyed it.

Too cute...just finished reading "No Spring Chicken" and came to see where it, fun and so creative.

Lisa said...

How cute is this! I saw the link at No Spring Chicken and had to come over. I hope Toad doesn't get too full of himself from all these travels! :o

mrsnesbitt said...

This is amazing! Wonder if they will be coming to Yorkshire? I could have the lounge ready for them lol!
