Saturday, August 31, 2013

So Cozy

 Yay for America and Labor Day weekend!  Do you wish you were going camping like these Brambly Hedge mice?  I don't either.  
 I do plan on doing a good amount of this!

 And this!  I bet you love these illustrations as much as I do.  Patchwork quilts, red dresses with white trim.  White dresses with red trim.  Botanical prints on the walls.
 I picked my pumpkin.  It is almost September and it COULD freeze at night, right?  It's far from freezing right now.  Whew.  My classroom was unbearable four of the last five days.  Yesterday was cooler and Mrs. M was MUCH happier.  
 Our Australian houseguest left a bouquet of mums.  Pretty!
 This is the quilt my great granny made in 1968, when she was 85 years old.  I have a square she gave me that I've saved all these years, so I shall make a pillow to go with it.  I'm so glad my mama boxed it up and mailed it to me.  
 We had five little girls over this morning.  When I sit on the toadstool in the Wendy house, I can think of many ways to make it cozy.  Bunting.  Laminated pictures of the grands to hang on the woodsy walls.  Tiny curtains.  Dishes on little shelves.  We'll see.
And the lavender and rosemary are still looking lively.  Bill filled all the bird feeders.  Even though I have a fat bag of papers to grade, I'm home and home is the very best place to be.
"To feel at home, stay at home." 
~ Clifton Fadiman
"One bright morning when my work is over, I will fly away home."
~ Bob Marley
"Home is where the books are."
~ Richard Burton
Bless you and bless your home!  


TexWisGirl said...

i splurged on ice cream on sale for the weekend. i intend to laze around and do a bit of housecleaning. maybe. :)

love the quilt!

M.K. said...

"Home is where the books are." So true - haha! Because ... who would want to haul books around unnecessarily? That quilt from your grannie's hands is so precious. So glad you have it.

I was having SUCH a lovely, quiet afternoon. Then Adam and Julia came back home, and Adam presented himself at my door with ... a bunch of autumn flowers! What a love!

Angela said...

And God bless YOU too, PomPom! x

Farm Girl said...

I am so glad you are doing homey things today. It makes me feel happy inside that you have three whole days to just do the things you like to do.
Your pumpkin is just lovely and I admired it very much. I like the quilt your grandmother made for you. That is so nice.
It is unbearable hot today. All the smoke from that fire is here too and it makes it so much hotter and hard to breathe.
I will just stay inside.
Have a lovely weekend my friend

Nancy McCarroll said...

Happy Labor Day weekend to you and yours!

Read lots!

Leslie said...

OH, what a treasure your quilt is. I am fixin' to stuff some jalapenos with a chicken/cream cheese mixture and bake with bacon. I was just outside working on a little paining project and noticed that one of my neighbors is grilling something that smells way yummier than what we will be eating. Isn't that sad? No camping for me. It is like 200 degrees here in Texas.

Terra said...

Home is where the books are is a great quote. The mice and that story are very charming. Have a great weekend.

Lisa Richards said...

I love looking at beautiful watercolor paintings like those in Brambly Hedge! So much coziness in one book. Thanks for sharing!

Love the quotes!

Enjoy your Labor Day weekend, my friend! :)

libbyquilter said...

i'm with you Pom. home is the place to be on a long weekend.
we decided to stay home this weekend too. thought about going to an antique show but in the end decided that instead of looking at all that stuff i'd stay home and take care of my own stuff. not regretting it as the back deck is getting a thorough cleaning. i'll be finishing that up tomorrow morning and then it's on to a garden project.

your right, i love the illustrations, especially the patchwork quilts.
that quilt that your grandmother made is sweet and how lucky that you have a block that you can make a pillow out of. grandmothers are such good people~!

love the little dragonfly perched by your lavender and rosemary~!

your pumpkin is such a bright orange it must have been ready to be picked. now you can have it in the house as a bright reminder of the beauty and bounty of autumn.

always happy to see what you have within your sweet blog. continue enjoying your long weekend.


Elderberry-Rob said...

I love this post, the pictures of the Brambly creatures are so woody, I would like to camp like that - I did have a night in my son's tent in the garden, does that count? Your grandma's quilt is special, I think special things should be seen and used, felt and loved, so it's good that it has come to your home. I regret not keeping anything of my mothers, touchy feely is important. Do you often have houseguests? I bet the guest room is very welcoming and cosy - with bedside books? plump pillows? Hope you are getting to know your new class and their personalities, I love it when we get to read about what they are doing in class. Betty x

Aida said...

Hi PomPom, how nice of your Aussie guests to give you flowers, so thoughtful. Well looks like you'll be switching to colder weather soon, hope you keep warm. The quilt is so pretty, how sweet of mum.

And oh I love the colour of your pumpkin.

Take care

Lynn said...

I adore all these pics :)
I do not really know Brambly Hedge so I have ordered a book from the library to catch up!
Your grandma's quilt is so so lovely.
I love visiting here.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

So glad it's September and I'm staying home this house, taking photos of things to sell, etc. It's raining so staying home was an easy decision.

Attic Clutter said...

yes I need that QM cruise POM..good idea..
well this QM is stationary but a ''live moving QM'' would work..
love the cheery- fun post
I see that cute little pumpkin too !!

Happy@Home said...

Thank you and bless you and your home too, Pom Pom.
I so enjoyed your homey post today. Your wee pumpkin is so cute.
I am in the throes of getting ready to leave my home for vacation. Lots of laundering and packing happening around here.
Enjoy your long weekend.

Floss said...

Thank you - it's been a blessing to share your home photos and stories, too! Lovely patchwork...

Thanks for your comments too. I have really got to order Mount Joy - when I re-read my earlier pilgrim post I saw you mention it then, and so I've just got to get to know it now.

Maggie said...

I love those illustrations! Very very cosy :) xx

GretchenJoanna said...

I like Fadiman's quote very much - and your pumpkin is darling! Do you have some for making pies, too?

Fat Dormouse said...

I still have the blanket my Nana crocheted for me when I was about 10. It went to college with me and has kept me cosy ever since...It's getting a bit old now, but the cats still like to curl up on it!

Marcie said...

Thank you, thank you for some lovely color and cheer on a gray morning!
