Thursday, August 8, 2013

Happy Things

Yesterday, to finish all my summer appointments I had to go to the lab to have blood drawn.  This meant fasting and NO BREAKFAST.  Boo!  I am the kind of human who NEEDS breakfast.  If I don't have it, I feel scattered and extremely wobbly.  When the necessary procedures were complete I drove right to the grocery store.  You can buy half of a cherry pie.  Pie makes a very nice meal.
Even though it is still high summer (let's cling to it because we love it, okay?) there was a nip in the morning air while Bill and I were talking, drinking coffee, and praying.  Once again, I must say that my butterfly wing shawl is the best thing I have EVER knit.  I made it in the summertime with Brown Sheep wool.  It was a delight to knit with the pretty variegated colors.  You know that I have made several wonky items with my needles and yarn, so I like very much to revel in my one success!  (Actually, I made a lovely Alan Dart mouse that I'm proud of!) 
I had seen this lovely lamp somewhere online.  Magic Cabin has it on sale right now for $15 and it was originally $49.95.  SO worth it!  I ordered two more.  
The flower garden in front is full to bursting.  Everything is very crowded.
Do you see the hole above?  I think that's the fairy dance floor.
Garden gate.  Don't you love any kind of garden gate?
A few years ago, when we were afraid the huge maple tree was going to fall on our dear neighbor's house, we had it removed.  It is trying to make a comeback!  Wow!
This rose bush, purchased at the grocery store a few years ago, is stunning, don't you think?  
The surviving maple tree.  She's healthy and full of bloom.  

I love GREEN, don't you?
Again, I love animals that wear clothes.  I wish I had a red-checked dress and a heart sweater, don't you?
Yesterday I finished this book.  You will LOVE it.  You'll weep.  You'll figure out a way to read all day.  It's beautiful.
My friend MK pinned a glorious pin on Pinterest.  A creative person MADE a Brambly Hedge house.  Click on the link to see it.  Unbelievable!  
The reason I like Brambly Hedge is because the housekeeping is so inspiring.  I'm so house-y.  I bet you are, too.
I hope you have a lovely day, busy in all the warmest and delightful ways.


Bonnie said...

Love your beautiful garden. Especially the fairy hole. Anyone who eats cherry pie for a meal is a kindred spirit of mine.

TexWisGirl said...

berry pie and ice cream! yum! my favorite dessert!

i love your garden!

Farm Girl said...

I love looking at all of your days. They are better than a hot tub for my mind. Your posts always help me to dream just a bit more. I might even want to pick up knitting needles to make that shawl. It so pretty. So is the lamp.
I like that you had cherry pie and ice cream to break your fast.
I love my dolls to have clothes and my stuffed animals.
It looks like you are off to a lovely day.

libbyquilter said...

i LOVE your crowded to bursting flower garden and i'm not surprised that fairy's dance there~!

that house is amazing~!!~love the attic.

happy day Pom Pom.


M.K. said...

That toadstool lamp is so perfectly YOU, Pom!! So glad you got several :) And that simple, grocery-store rose -- what a delightful ruffled edge! Very pretty.

Cherry pie is my favorite, followed closely by peach. Yum. If I were there, we could have bought a whole one and split it :)

When I pinned that Brambley Hedge house, I thought of you, and I tried to tag you on the pin, but I haven't figured out how to do that successfully :( So I'm glad you saw it and loved it too! It reminded me very much of you.

cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

Very pretty garden and I love your white rose especially. Finally got you listed on my blog roll so now I know when you have posted something. I'll visit you on a regular basis now.

Happy@Home said...

A great way to reward yourself upon completion of your lab work.:)
Your post is indeed filled with happy things and now I am smiling.
I read that book earlier in the summer and agree, it is really good.

Happy@Home said...

Me again... back to say thank you for sharing the link to the Brambley Hedge house. That is amazing. I'd love to move in.

Attic Clutter said...

Hi Pom(:)
oh we always need happy !!
love the butterfly shawl and that great find 'mushroom lamp'
wow and it is so you ...Love it..
the magnet eater... hehe love that joke too

Pooch said...

You must wear your colorful shawl to flutter around in your inviting yard! The flowers and greenery are beautiful! I love to sit on our deck to crochet and enjoy our trees and flowers. I am putting the border on a lap robe to give to our prayer shawl ministry at church.

Leslie said...

Oh, cute lamp and such a sweet deal. Don't you just love that? And pie for brunch...what a great idea!

Gumbo Lily said...

I love pie for least for first breakfast. Now I want to bake a rhubarb pie. My rhubarb is still growing strong. Your flowers are so happy and bursting with life. The rose is glorious! We've had chilly mornings this past week or so. I like it.

Lisa Richards said...

Oh, I remember Brambly Hedge! I always loved the intricate little houses and could gaze at those pictures forever, discovering new little items.
Yes, I'm doing fine. I'm learning a lot about taking care of someone who can't care for themselves. Many prayers are ascending and as my step-son from Colorado emailed me, he wouldn't be surprised if Bob emerges from this healthier than he's been in 20 years! Thanks for your prayers, my friend!

Melanie said...

Blood tests must be the thing of the month because I have just had to have one as well Miss Pom Pom !
With a bruised arm and just as wobbly as you, I drove home to toast with jam and a cup of tea. Tea fixes everything don't you think xoxo

Maggie said...

I'm the same without breakfast...I have to have my porridge! Your garden looks wonderful especially the roses xx

Nancy McCarroll said...

Your shawl makes me happy. A fun thing to knit.

Pie for breakfast...yum!

Your garden looks like a delightful English garden.

Patrice said...

I enjoyed this post! Have a good weekend. :)

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Karen, sure wish you'd do a blog post on that beautiful shawl! Hope your tests are okay.

Attic Clutter said...

ha(:) kinda small but soso cute(:)
