Sunday, August 4, 2013

Cake and an Athlete

 A friend told me that when she wants a turtle brownie, she buys one turtle brownie instead of baking a whole panful and proceeding to consume it.  Smart!  I wanted a piece of wedding cake (white cake and white frosting) so I had this little goodie for lunch yesterday.  Delicious!  Lemon filling!  Yum!
 This morning we left the house early to watch our youngest daughter participate in the Triathlon for the Cure at a park nearby.  She and her sister-in-law have been working so hard to train for it.  I'm so proud. 
 They started with the swim.  Pretty water!

 We had to walk so far from the parking lot to the event site, so we stayed up by the bike transfer.  Those little black specks are strong women swimming!
 Here's our J!  She hopped on that bike so quickly!

 Look at that happy smile!  
 She is so strong.
 Here is her sis buddy!
 Samantha came to watch Mama run!  

 Daddy (husband!) was there to provide support! (As always!  He's a super supporter!)
 There is Jenny on the right!  This is at the finish line! (I just have to brag!  She came in fourth in her division!)

 When her sis-friend came by, she jumped back in to join her!  Way to go, girls!
Years ago, when Bill ran marathons and I ran two little races (it was a big stretch for these short legs!) there were so many elite runners, skinny and swift.  This race included all shapes and sizes, almost two thousand women with big hearts and amazing endurance.  We saw women of all ages running for such a good cause.  It was inspiring.
My next post will be about Susan Branch's new book (LOVE) and I also want to feature a new blogger (new to me) who did something amazing.  Be back soon!  


TexWisGirl said...

hooray for your daughter and her friend! awesome accomplishment! and now i need some cake! :)

M.K. said...

Phew!! That's looks strenuous! I'm glad there are women in the world who do that sort of thing, b/c they make up for those of us who prefer to drink tea :) Way to go!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

wow! that's very impressive and those girls look marvelous.

Farm Girl said...

What a super nice day!! I bet you were so proud. I love all of the photos of the super blue sky. Not to mention how sparkly everything was. You ran in one too? That is so cool.

Pom Pom said...

Ha ha ha, Kim! I did NOT ever run a tri. I ran two 4-5 mile races LONG ago. I am a very slow long distance runner (was, I should say). I just had to clear that up!

Leslie said...

What a great thing to do...and to be able to do well. I am in the cake catagory. :)

debbie bailey said...

Impressive for her AND you! I could never run five miles even at my fittest. I'm just not made for long distance anything! Except talking! Ha!

Gumbo Lily said...

Runners always impress me. I really hate to run so I admire those who do -- your girls AND you!

A slice of wedding cake! Brilliant. I made a pie today. I'll eat a piece and give the rest to my neighbor kids.

Angela said...

Well done all those who did that tri for a good cause!

Here in the UK, traditionally 'wedding cake' is very rich fruit cake, with marzipan [almond paste] and royal icing, and has two or more tiers supported on columns. In earlier generations, the bride's mother would keep the top tier in a tin, to be served at the birth/christening of the first baby. You could never do that with a white sponge!!!!

summer blessings xx

Aida said...

You are one proud mum PomPom. Wow 4th is pretty awesome., all those hard work is paid off.

And I love that spongy cake.

Take care,


ann said...

Three cheers. I do we,ire those who get out and make their bodies work.

Sherry from Alabama said...

Way to go Jenny! I know you're so proud of her. You have a beautiful family.

I hope you enjoyed your treat yesterday. You deserve one every day because you're such a treat. Your blog is always such a happy place to visit.

Nancy McCarroll said...

The girls DO look strong. Good on them.

PS: how did you get ONE piece of cake?

Bonnie said...

It takes such commitment and heart to do a triathalon. What a wonderful family. You must be so proud.

Attic Clutter said...

oh what a neat day (:)
the cake looks good too Pom

GretchenJoanna said...

All three of my girls have trained for and run 5K events. At least one of them is still at it -- and I am amazed, because they didn't get any of this discipline or inspiration from their mother! And they all have such full lives otherwise, it seems to me they need a LOT of motivation to fit in all this athleticism.

Pom Pom said...

Nancy, you can buy one piece of pie or one piece of cake at our closest grocery store. Isn't that great?

libbyquilter said...

running a triathlon is not easy and takes a lot of training~! i admire these ladies SO much.

that cake looks very yummy . . .


Left-Handed Housewife said...

Yay for J and her friend! I'm so impressed by people who can do these things. I could walk the running part and maybe bike the bike part, but swim across the lake? I don't think so.

Pretty cake!


The dB family said...

What a wonderful accomplishment and for a great cause! Jenny and her sister-friend look so fit and healthy that I'm a little envious.


Lisa Richards said...

I guess I missed this post earlier! Good for Jenny and her sis-in-law! Always wanted to try one of these, but I'm a lousy swimmer! Looks like she still had plenty of zip left at the end. :)
