Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hobbit Thoughts

 Hello visitors!  I'm busy at school, preparing a place for the students.  The picture above (found on the Interwebs, ha ha) is Gandalf's cart.  I am not a big LOTR fan, but I do LOVE The Hobbit.  I'm tired right now because I'm not used to all the hustle, being away from home, and all the decision making.  As I recall, hobbits don't go to school and they have second breakfasts (a VERY good idea!)

 So, I want my classroom to invite kids to fall in love with the world of the word.  They are eleven, so they don't want The Three Bears (I do!) but I'd love it if you could share some ideas with me as to how to make the room stimulating to one's imagination in a woodsy way.  What do you think?
I'll take some photos when it's finished.  I'll be back soon.  I'm simply making the switchover at a semi-slow pace.
Now, for first breakfast, a shower and a wet ponytail (no time!) and the trek to school.
Thank you very much for popping in today!

18 comments: said...

This is awesome...I so wish I could be your assistant. Well my son was born on Tolkien's birthday, so he is a fan..and has been for years. What a great year you will have. I too want my kids to fall in love with words..and especially God's word.

Farm Girl said...

I thought about you all day yesterday. I do hope it was nice. I will be praying for you today.

Sherry from Alabama said...

Here's what I think: I think you have some very blessed students to have you as their teacher! (I've never seen any of the LOTR movies, so I'm no help. Sorry.)

I wish you a blessed new school year, my friend. I plan to volunteer in kindergarten again this year and "maybe" sub a little again, however I enjoy the volunteer work more. I don't like being in charge!

M.K. said...

Hello, dear. I'm relaxing on my get-away with hubby, and feeding all my creative urges :) I adore the Hobbit. Hmm ... ideas. Well, there's the door, of course. Could you put large craft paper (the kind that comes on a big roll, if your school has some) around the door, and color it into a round hobbit hole? Even put paper on the door too, so it matches? That's rather a large project. What about a dragon of some kind? Or perhaps a simple classroom scavenger hunt activity for day one, that leads them through the major events of the story, and ends at the dragon? You could also do lovely quotes from the book that tell the tale, write the quotes beautifully on long slips of paper, and place them in order around the room. "There and Back Again: a Tale of Sixth Grade." :) May it be a blessed day!

M.K. said...

Oooo - and you might could convince your admin to allow you to do Second Breakfast with your kids while studying the Hobbit, you know -- it's literary! Haha :)

TexWisGirl said...

good luck for the new year!

Nancy McCarroll said...

Reading in a woodsy way...a hammock for reading?

Nancy McCarroll said...

Oops...hit send too quickly, me thinks

Elderberry-Rob said...

Well I would love to join your class, if it's going to be all woodsy then for definite! I think you could if you were really ambitious and had access take a couple of fallen branches and decoate with brown paper leaves, prop in a hobbit corner or suspend even if you have the facility... maybe the kids could make their own leaves and write on the back of each one their aspirations for the year ahead? I hope you get lots of ideas and resources. Photocopy and enlarge woodland scenery too and maybe cover part of a wall to make it feel woodsy? Wish you lived near me so I cold come and help, I am sure they will have a fantastic time will fueled and fired up imaginations in your class PomPom. You are a great motivator. Betty

cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

Oh wow....two breakfasts sounds like a great idea. Not much into hobbits, but I can imagine your kids will love it. Good to keep their imaginations fed...there is too much junk in this world for them to worry about.

Terra said...

Your kids will have lots of fun with you as a creative teacher.

Left-Handed Housewife said...

I like the hammock idea above! Also, if you could make an alcove out of sticks a la Patrick Dougherty (, that would be nice.

Let me know if you want me to Skype again. That was fun!


Pom Pom said...

What a feast of ideas! I really wish I had room for a hammock! Today I bought owl things (yay! I've loved owls for a few years now and I even had a dream an owl came into our garden!), mountain scene poster paper (a find!), homespun gingham for one board, and a big paper tree! It's going to be a mix of the forest, cabin decor, and baskets! Oh do I ever wish you guys COULD come to my class to help. That would be so rich and good! Thank you!

Lisa Richards said...

Lovely ideas! Wish I was in your class!

Gumbo Lily said...

I remember seeing lots of creative leaves here:

You could hot glue paper leaves -- book pages or brown paper -- onto twiggy branches. I love the look, and it goes with your "word" theme.

I like the hammock idea, but maybe you could do a picnic blanket idea where kids could read on the floor on a squishy quilt.

Maybe the kids could tell ghost stories around a pretend campfire or pretend roasting marshmallows on a stick, but eating them cold.

There are bugs and beasts in the woods: bears, snakes, deer, butterflies, birds, moose, fox, raccoon. (stuffed or photos) Look at these felt critters:

Bouquets of twigs and flowers or dried grasses. How about one of those little waterfall features where you put a pump in some water and have it gurgle over rocks and things? Oh, Canoes!

Perhaps I'm going overboard, but I'm just throwing ideas out there to you. Sounds like you're going to have a fun year with the kids.

Happy Back to School!

Pom Pom said...

GREAT ideas! Hobbit door! Yes! Leaves with goals and aspirations! Excellent! Twigs and twig creations! PERFECT! You are all so smart and woodsy, too! THANK YOU! (BIG SQUISHY HUG!) Oh, and a dragon peeking out from behind the bookcase! I love it! I do my best artwork with tempera paint!

Kit said...

How exciting! Enjoy your preps. I love your idea for your room. I get to start decorating next weekend in my space. Take care! Kit

libbyquilter said...

sounds like you've got a fantastic start Pom Pom. i'm wishing that i was one of your students.

have a restful weekend.

