Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cabin Kitchen

In keeping with my three bears' house theme song these days, I searched "old cabin kitchens" and found some very pleasing images.
Many cabins are ULTRA fancy. My auntie entertained her very large extended family in a one room cabin at the beach. Why does everything have to be so big now? We don't need big.
Little is good.
Snug is fine.
Rustic is very THREE BEARS.

This cabin is in my home state, Washington. Maybe this is why I have such cabin urges. I have loved some great cabins in the Pacific Northwest.

They are dark but the woody smoke smell makes up for that.

This is very Colorado/three bears. It's a bit much for me.

Do you like this one? I do. Log walls = vacation from the real world. Do you think so?
Yesterday I found a perfect Three Bears table and four chairs at a used furniture store. Bill is going up there today to buy it. It is maple and very storybook. It does not match my kitchen, but I don't care. I am on a cabin quest. I'll show you where Mama, Papa, and baby bears shall breakfast as soon as it's delivered.
Off to school. Four more days with kids.
Then, home to scrub, shine, tidy, and tend my house (cabin).
I wish you coffee smells, dusky evenings, a picnic or two, and friends to sit with and love.
Thank you for stopping in!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Paths and Sweaters

Hello with a green green glove! I dug a bit today! WOW! I realized that my gardening is going to be baby steps gardening. I am not the farmer I thought I was. I did plant the sunflower house! Hooray! I planted some summer bulbs and potted two geraniums. It's a glorious day today. I took a walk this morning.

Do you like the two paths pictured above? I do. I like trails, paths, roads less traveled.

Here are more bears. Yes, I am a bit stuck on bears. I sprayed a bit of patchouli on my bear and he's getting a lot more hugs because he smells like a woodsy bear now.

Look at this fancy three! I like the chair. It must be mama's.

Okay, below are photos of another something of a certain sort that I like to look at. Fair Isle sweaters. Silly? Yes, sort of considering the weather will turn hot and dry very soon here in Denver. Do really fine knitters knit sweaters in the summer time? I think they do. I thought looking at the sweaters below may make you feel warm and cozy, too.

So, there you go. The world is a creative, useful, surprising place.
If you lived close by, I would like it if you could come over for a cookie or two. No eggs in the icebox here, so I am about to venture off to the store.
It's a cookie day. A tea day. Day one of a three-day weekend. JOY!
I wish you could have seen the three handsprings I just did to celebrate.
Thank you for coming by and having a little look. I pray this day would hold zippy and uplifting good news for you.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

More Kids Stuff

I have treasures waiting for me when I finish grading papers. I'm more than a week away from this papery fun, but I'm so looking forward to it!

Sometimes, the smaller Barnes and Noble carries good British magazines. I love them for it!

I need complete quiet to read my Wendell Berry poems. No quiet yet.

My quilting primer! I can't get my mind around making a whole quilt these days, but I think I can do something small. I'm still working on THE APRON.

Last, the paper doll book. It's called Black Apple. Aren't they cute? The author gives profiles of the dolls and they are clever and funny.

There are scenes and instructions for making a theater. Doesn't it look fun?

There are so many fun things to do, aren't there? Why let the kids have all the fun? Older girls need play time, too.
Now back to the student paper stack!

Thank you for stopping in and for your VERY personal and caring comments. I hope you have a sweet day today. May is such a lovely month and we have this May just a few days longer. Sniff a flower or two.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How Do You Like Your Bears?

I asked the kids in my writer's workshop class to think of their favorite story and explain why they liked it. One shy boy said The Three Little Pigs which is close to mine, Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
I'm not fond of Goldilocks because she really shouldn't have entered the bears house uninvited, but I'm glad she did because I like snooping around inside. I want our house to resemble the bears' house in several ways:
1. big old-fashioned bed with patchwork quilt (white sheets)
2. One dish for each person
3. One chair for each person (Mama Bear's = the softest)
4. storybook cupboards holding useful and beautiful bits and bobs
5. a path out to the woods for porridge-cooling walks

I really can't blame sneaky Goldilocks for jumping into this perfect bed, can you?

Because I love the three so much, I want my bears to look a certain way. I like the scruffy ones above.

See what I mean about one dish per person? Nice, huh?

VERY nice profiles below. Bears and Pom Poms need to work on their posture.

I DO love Mama's dress, don't you?

Here's Edward bear. I bought him for myself after a morning of Winnie the Pooh reading. I found him at one of my favorite gift stores. He was priced just right. I hug him when no one is looking. I pat his soft back and kiss him. Sometimes he sports a pink apron. I try to remember to put him on my pillow before I go to school, but sometimes he lays around among the dust bunnies on the wood floor.
I don't know why I fixated on bunnies for a few years. Bears are really my all time favorites. How do you like your bears?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturday Feelings

This berry silly girl says, "Hello! May I offer you a juicy ice pop?"

It is a very green and blue day outside today! The wind is blowing and I am off to the grocery store to buy salad makings.

Summer is just about ready to bust open and kiss us with her sweetness.

I saw a very colorful bird yesterday as I drove off to school! Usually, I see brown birds around here. I must go find my bird guides. They sit somewhere in the Pom Pom "office" on those shelves of bookish loveliness.

I changed my background because as much as I love orange, the boldness was a little loud and made me cringe in the slightest way. Since I plan on tip toeing through a peaceful summer, I decided to tone it down a little. Yes, I'll tip toe because I want my homey peace to last and last. I shall savor my summer. They say (whoever those smart people who say things are) that if you aim at nothing you'll hit it every time. Well, that's a chance I'm willing to take. What is nothing anyway?
I ate lunch with the students yesterday and I decided I shall keep having lunch with them until the last day I can. I found their lunchtime company extremely refreshing.
I have a lump in my throat, sitting here looking at the trees. God is smart, making trees for us. Don't you think?
Well, happy good day to you. Thank you for stopping by. I wait for you to come. When you do, I'm happy.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cute Looks

Before I go to school today, I wanted to look at happy innocent images. You see, yesterday I took my students to the computer lab and it rattled my nerves. Some of them had a really hard time settling down and "clicking" on the links I had set up for them. They unplugged things and moved around too much. One student called 911 on the lab phone. Yikes! I am praying for calm and peace to cover them for the next 12 days. Please keep saying prayers for me. Thank you!

So I'd like to pop into this storybook house and hide. Wanna join me?

I'll try to visualize the teenagers as cute little bunnies, and I will look deep into their hungry souls and remain calm. It's worth a try.

Speaking of bunnies . . . they have come to our neighborhood. Jenny said that in her neighborhood, they lounge around in the grass, not afraid of a thing. She has a huge yard and the bunnies might be there to stay.

On to more storybook pictures. Isn't the witch here funny? Don't you LOVE The Jolly Postman? I do!

I need a bike. I'm going to save my pennies and buy one.

Here are some Susan Branch images that are sure to delight. Susan creates an enchanting and inviting world. Do you know her? I'm a broken record, aren't I? I go on and on about my favorites and you are so nice to read and view.

Isn't Susan's stove adorable? I used to have stickers like this. If you are staying home today, could you make me some cookies?
It's time to iron and get dressed. I'm hoping that in spite of a meeting this morning which means a shortened planning time, I can create a little happy fun in my classroom today. I will remain calm. I will remain calm.
Thank you for popping in. I hope you like the pictures and I hope your day holds bouncy happiness!
