Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Flowers, Gnomes, and Running to Heaven

 Cheep!  This is my robin mug from Hogben Pottery in the UK.  I waited FOREVER for it to arrive.  It's little and perfect for a cup of tea. It's so delicate.  Yes, I really needed another cup😏

We always have to have a little knitting going on. This is a cardigan with some color work on the yoke.  It's Lopi wool - LOVE!
The peonies!  The peonies!  This is my first cutting and now there are more.  I just have to wash off the ants and pop them into a vase.

 Look at granddaughter Cadence's cute shoes!  I love that iced lime color, don't you?
 I am writing a letter to Cadence, so I am drawing some friends.  I'm going to add little "yearbook style" stats under each name.  I love this kind of play.
 Oh, SWEET WILLIAMS, you are SO sweet!
 A few years ago I planted a bag of wildflowers and there must have been one flax seed.
 I found the peonies below on my walk.

 A hairdresser I go to about once a year called me and I made an appointment.  Bill said, "I like the ponytail." I changed my plan and had him do a wee trim instead of chopping off my old hair.  It turned into a rather "expensive" ponytail but hairdressers need business these days, so I don't mind.
 My seeds are popping up! 

 My neighbor/garden fairy left a message in my side garden.

 See what I mean?  Sweet Williams are STARS!

Still working on the friends.
I went for a walk with a friend early this morning (in her neighborhood) and she pointed out this lovely "gnome tree" to me!  Wow!  Precious! 

This morning when I was praying, I had an image of Jesus and I running fast together and laughing.  Then I would stop suddenly and He would stop, too.  Hmmmmm.  I think He is saying, "Run with Me.  Stay with Me.  You don't have to pace yourself and slow down or stop when you THINK you need a rest.  Let's run swiftly, you knowing ME,  all the way to Heaven!"  
Sounds good to me.

God be with you, friend.  
Thank you for calling in to say hello. 
Oh!  Here's another question since you are so good at answering them!
What kind of child were you? Were you shy?  Were you rough and tumble?  Were you happy or scared?  Were you a tom boy?   


Terra said...

You have so many fun photos here, I love the peonies and the gnome tree and the joy rock from your neighbor. Since I live alone in these lockdown times I sometimes remind myself "I am never alone. God is with me. No problem is too big for Him."

Lisa Richards said...

I LOVE your image of Jesus and you running to heaven! I'll try to think on that.
The gnome tree is so cute.
The peonies are so LUSH!
I think I was more of a rough and tumble tomboy as a kid, but after my parents divorced when I was 12, I think I became more introspective and shy. God brings healing and understanding over the years. He is good!
God bless you, sister in the Lord!
I like your neighbor/garden fairy's rock encouragement. :)

Debi said...

I love your little robin mug... you can never have too many mugs, right? Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous! Love the gnome tree... how sweet of someone to do that to entertain neighborhood walkers. Stay safe.

Elizabethd said...

Your flower bed looks lovely. I have planted Sweet Williams too but they are well behind yours.

Susie said...

I was shy, scared and hungry. :( I loved seeing all your flowers. Pretty sweater, can't wait to see it done. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Julie said...

Your little robin mug is so delightful dear Pom Pom. I have found a shop in New Zealand that sells that pottery - its expensive but beautiful. I love your garden - it is looking very pretty - love sweet williams! I was a shy slightly-scared, very well behaved child who was ruled by a very grumpy, angry Father. I was like this most of my life until I turned 40 really & then I got my own opinions about things & stopped trying to please everyone which was clearly - not working!! I am sometimes sad it took me so long to figure this out. I like myself alot more now. Have a lovely day my friend - I love your pony tail xx

HappyK said...

Love your new little mug!
All the flowers are beautiful.
I'm sure glad happy that Jesus is with all the time. I always talk to him on my morning walks. :)

I was an only child. Not shy at all! I was a happy tomboy and hated wearing dresses. Still do! :)

Elderberry-Rob said...

secretly shy but outwardly aggressive as I had to look after my younger brothers and was the oldest :) love that soft knitting wool you are working with. Can't wait for my hairdresser to open.

ellen b. said...

Love the mug. Pretty flowers, too. I think I was more of a Tomboy.

Julia said...

You were in a hurry... You were running with Jesus and I was walking with Jesus. It doesn't matter the speed, as long as we get to the destination. lol...

What a cute little mug to make tea time special. I used to grow sweet Williams and the came up every year from self-seeding. They are so pretty.

I was a quiet, serious, and confident little girl with a love of keeping the house clean for my mom. I was a regular Martha from the Bible, lol. I loved to read and write at an early age, learning from my older sister and I could read and write before I went to school. The was no TV in those days. A pencil and a piece of paper was a treasure to me.
Hugs, Julia

Granny Marigold said...

The gnome tree is very unusual but cute.
The Sweet Williams are lovely. Mine are not blooming yet so I don't know what colour they'll be.
I like your little pony tail. Mine is too long and Kate
( granddaughter) will cut off a couple of inches soon. We're so fortunate to have a hairdresser in the family.

elizabeth said...

fun gnome tree! Gorgeous flowers! that mug is so sweet! good to support hair dressers right now! Can't wait to do that myself! me as a child - used to solitude, very aware of God as my Father, happy, tom boyish, loved being outside!

Kim said...

It must be fun for your granddaughters to receive such a fun letter from their grandmother. Your garden is singing with happy blossoms isn't, so pretty. Love the sweet little robin sitting happily on your mug. As a little child I was very shy, terribly happy in my own company as my imagination entertained me for hours.....oh, and I always had my nose in a book. I was always off on some adventure or another within the pages of a book. I was scared too, as I had an alcoholic never really knew what each day would present.

Henny Penny said...

You always have the BEST posts. Makes me want to comment on each picture. The little robin cup is so cute, and your flowers are beautiful, simply beautiful! I like your ponytail. You have beautiful white hair. I wish for white hair, and now I want a gnome tree too. :)

Between Me and You said...

I love the 'pinkness' of your post today and I love your cute ponytail. Your hair is in such great condition. Total hair envy! I also have Peony envy but not for long because today, my son and daughter-in-law sent me some in the post so now we're Peony Pals!Also loving your new Lopi yarn. Can't wait to see the colourwork in it. Have a great weekend my

Tiny Toadstool Cottage said...

So many lovely things! Pretty flowers and the sweet robin mug. I think your hair looks very sophisticated, even in a simple ponytail! I wish my hair did smooth like that - it is all over the place. I am thinking now that I should make a gnome tree. We have an old tree at the top of our driveway and our house in on the walking path to town. I think it might give people a bit of joy to see some little knitted people living there!

Himawan Sant said...

Many beautiful things I see here. I love cute pottery robin mugs. And the story of you running with Jesus helped me and I also believe Jesus never left me.
Greetings from Indonesia and happy weekend

M.K. said...

1. You have very pretty hair, and I think you should make the most of it. If you don't mind it a bit longer, let it grow!
2. Your flower borders are amazing!
3. I have always loved your drawings of people. They have a unique charm. Honestly, I think you could illustrate books, if you wanted to. I bet your grands enjoy this.
4. I was a somewhat shy child, a bookish child, one or two friends. Played outside. Not quite a tom boy, but not a girly girl at all. I became grumpier and more withdrawn into middle school. I was smart. I as an only girl in a house full of boys, and I think that made a difference.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I was a sensitive child, a bit introverted. I took piano lessons and dance lessons. I was an average student and didn’t really care for school. I had an unusual childhood because of my father’s jobs but it was interesting.

Kit said...

Your posts just make my day. I am glad I am back visiting again. The world got too big for me for awhile. It was time to hunker down. I was shy and very sensitive. Product of an alcoholic father. But because of it, I became who I am. And I like I was able to break the mold and raise my children with love. And God was with me along the way. Take care. Kit

R's Rue said...

Love it so much. Pretty flowers
