Tuesday, January 20, 2015

With Us

From My Daily Meditation for the Circling Year by John Henry Jowett:
And we are to have joyful assurance of the companionship of our God "This shall they know; that I, the Lord their God, am with them."  And in that precious assurance every other treasure is found! Only be sure of that and we shall walk about as kings and queens!
This is sometimes lost on me.  I walk about in my human body, focusing on immediate concerns, forgetting that HE is with me.  I miss the treasure.  The world certainly doesn't have much to offer, but HE does and HIS created beauty does.   

He offers the very finest companionship.

I agree with John Henry Jowett, that knowing of God's presence among us, we can walk about as queens and kings, feeling His honor and His love.  

So, Queenie, know that HE is walking with you.  If you don't believe in God (I'm not exactly sure what that looks like) He'll still show himself to you.  He believes in YOU.
He doesn't just POOF! appear when I think of Him or remember Him.  I don't make Him real by reminding myself of His realness.  He IS.  He said, "I AM".  
Because He is SO present, I'd like to be more present, too.  Now I don't have to rush about so much, but my mind tends to rush around and I'm not the world's best listener.  
I'm going to start trying harder to still my buzzing self and listen.  I'm going to try to look closer, too.


TexWisGirl said...

uplifting message. :)

Fat Dormouse said...

Wise ponderings, PomPom

Julia said...

Hi PompPom. Your little queens are just adorable... so innocent looking....

I try to live by the teaching of Christ. I'm just a sinner who strives to live as honestly as possible.

One thing I know for sure is that I'm never alone and that God is always in me no matter what...and loves me. He loves us all equally as we are his children and he lives in all of us.

He speaks to my soul when I'm still and silent.

Have a blessed day.

Kezzie said...

I love this! Yes, he IS with us! x

Flavia Sunshine said...

I had quite a hard period last year. I don't know why, instead to get closer to the Lord, somehow I tried to overcome my sorrow by myself. Big mistake. In december all of a sudden I realized how silly I have been. Now I'm just baby stepping back to our loving Father and life looks already so much brighter, He is always so incredibly welcoming. God is so good.He never leave us alone.

ellen b. said...

Love this Pom Pom! I resonate with your last two sentences! Hope you have close encounters of the quiet kind this week! :)

Farm Girl said...

How lovely! I love the photos that you have to go along with it. I love the girls in their little outfits.
It looks like a very fun afternoon.

Scrappy quilter said...

Beautiful post. What cute little girls.

Lisa Richards said...

Amen. I can't imagine not wanting Him as Lord and God. Without Him life makes no sense. Thanks for a wonderful word, Pom! :)

ann said...

There most certainly is great value in listening, and sometimes we don't exercise enough self discipline to just be quiet and listen.

Between Me and You said...

How adorable is that little Queen with her tiara balancing on her pretty head?!
Lovely post as always, Pom. x

Attic Clutter said...

HI POM..Oh your blog is looking so cute !!
Have a good week ..

Marcie said...

So nice to see a bit of your cheer and colorfulness in my few moments on the internet today! Wishing you joy and comfort in the blessing of quiet hours!

Gumbo Lily said...

Such wise words, dear Pom Pom. I want to be a good listener and watcher too. I'm so glad He is with us.

M.K. said...

So important! One fallacy of our modern thinking is that God exists really only in our minds. Nothing could be more wrong. He is, all the time, whether we remember or not. What a comfort!
