Walking after dinner, trying to think of a way to invite one particular class of students into the Wonderful World of Reading and Writing, I really just jiggled my brain and felt myself getting tired, tired and more tired. I have thirty-two kids in a class that likes to (how should I say this?) DO THEIR OWN THING. The sad part is, THEIR OWN THING isn't going to make them better readers and writers. I'll think of something. I'll move them around. I'll give their parents a jingle. I'm SO very thankful this class is in the morning when I still possess a little jazz.
I'll just keep walking along side them. I'll keep smiling and learning more about them. You know a tree by its fruit, right? A harvest at the end of the year? Shine a light on the path. Help them find their way . . . Guide them toward beauty . . . Hold their hands . . . Sometimes, spell it out for them . . . I liked school, but the truth is: I talked a lot. I talked to everyone, so moving me didn't really help. But, school FELT good to me and I don't think school feels good to some of these guys. Can you imagine a day without a nose dip into a good book? They can. Can you imagine a world without fresh, clean, white paper? A world without a slick writing tool? They'd rather text message. I think I'll title the weekend, "Inspirational Teacher Film Festival" and watch Mona Lisa Smile, Freedom Writers, To Sir With Love, Mr. Holland's Opus, and then hunker down to some heavy-duty planning. Do you want to tell me about your favorite teacher?