Tuesday, April 9, 2024

April Stuff or Stuff in April

Hello April!  April showers bring May flowers!  We haven't really had showers, just a bit of snow and some wild wind.  At Noah's lacrosse game the wind was cold!  Christie and James bundled up!  We did, too!  Isn't Christie beautiful?  She's so beautiful inside, too!

Did you have a nice Easter?  I hope so!  We had a funny one because Kelli and her family got pink eye and the flu! Jenny and Sam came and ate with us (Scott and Plum were at a basketball game having gone to church on Saturday). Poor Kelli! 

I found two fat chicken toys at the grocery store for James and Noah. Isn't this a fine hen? 

I've been reading some books about how fairy tales inform our story minds so I've been dabbling in fairy tales.  Do you have a favorite?  I really like The Gingerbread Man and The Steadfast Tin Soldier.
I'm also knitting a chicken. The pattern is called The Emotional Support Chicken.  I am at the part where you increase and wrap and turn to make her breast.  I sort of stall when I have to keep count of rows and pay attention to the pattern.  😂
Look at these silly Crocs.  One of my friends asked, "Do you buy shoes for comfort or because you like the way they look?" 😂
I don't think I showed you my big print Bible (I found it at Sam's Club) and the way I made collages in the front of it.  I do love to collage.  It's my favorite artsy thing, I think.
Are you excited for summer?  I used to be so excited for summer to come, remember?  Now I am less excited about hot weather  I usually buy some new summer clothes because I fear being too warm and then I spend most of my time in our air conditioned house and I really don't need island/resort wear!  

I am going to go take a walk, maybe to the grocery store to buy Cheerios so the preschool kids at Bible study can make necklaces.  

I'm trying to eat a low carb diet (boring info, I know) so I might look at nuts in the snack section! Do you like to eat nuts?

Thank you for stopping by!  It's always nice when you do! xo




Latane Barton said...

Hopefully it will warm up soon for you. Nothing fun about sitting outside in the cold wind. Love the chicken toy. Don't give up on the one you are making.. I heard that as we age we should do 'hard things'. Sometimes, for me, that's getting out of bed hehe

Elizabethd said...

I have a large print Bible and find it so much easier to read.

Kim said...

Oh my, Noah has grown. It certainly looks chilly there. I love summer here in Tassie. It's been the perfect summer this year; lots of lovely, warm days one after the other. I must say, dear Pom Pom, those heart socks are cute.

HappyK said...

Oh I love my large print Bible!!!
Summers here are like one long spring so I enjoy it, but I like all the seasons and happy to have them come and go. :)

Julie said...

Your large print Bible looks wonderful all decorated up dear Pom Pom. I think my favorite fairy tale was The Princess & the Pea ... or maybe Little Red Riding Hood or maybe Hansel & Gretel ?? Can't decide - loved them all. xx

M.K. said...

Looks like spring is coming your way, Pom Pom! Love those crocs - they make me want to go buy a good, comfortable pair of shoes. Mine are all thrift store ones.
I do like nuts, a lot! Do you know, peanuts have a glycemic index of only 14? That's low!
I've been buying plants and putting them into pots to cheer up our back deck area. This is one of my favorite times to be outside..
Happy April!

Between Me and You said...

Not a fan of the heat either. My Dad took us to the cinema to see that film about Hans Christian Anderson, the one with Danny Kaye in it. Whenever I hear 'Ugly Duckling ' or 'Inch Worm' it takes me right back!I miss my Dad terribly. 37 years ago this week since he passed and I think of all these darling new children in our family who would have loved and been loved by him.xxx

ellen b. said...

We are at the large print Bible stage of life around here. We found a large print NASB MacArthur Study Bible at the thrift store in Coeur d Alene when we were there recently. Woohoo! I'm not a summer clothes kind of gal probably because I have many extra pounds on my body. :) Happy April to you!

Kezzie said...

I have way too many Summer clothes! I really should cull some!!
James is such a big boy now! I remember him as a baby! He's so cute!
The crocs slider shoes are really cool! I really like them! Your bible collage is lovely!x

Gretchen Joanna said...

I've been reading fairy tales lately myself. I gave some of my grandboys a collection called Fairy Tales for Brave Children. :-)

I have anthologies of Andersen's and Grimms' tales. The intro to the one of Andersen's is a very long biography and analysis of Hans... I'm not sure I finished reading that yet, though it was very interesting.

Happy@Home said...

What a bummer to have the flu and pink eye interrupt Easter. Hope she is feeling all better now.
Your crocs look very comfy.
I eat nuts daily and enjoy them all.

Lowcarb team member said...

I hope you are doing well eating low carb.
Macadamia nuts are good, but just a few at a time!

Gumbo Lily said...

Hi Karen!
Just popping in for a few minutes. Looks like your spring is chilly like ours, but hey, we got in the 60s today and it was lovely. Spring is coming on and I'm excited about it. New baby calves, daffodils, tulips, grape hiacinth and green grass with yellow dandelions. God bless you! ~Jody

Aritha V. said...

What a nice Bible

Katerinas Blog said...

Interesting Blog I Follow!
I like the cold air outside, as well as the plush chicken.
Hans Christian Andersen's book of fairy tales a must for every generation!
Have a beautiful week!

Bonnie K said...

You have a lot going on. I laugh about the shoes. I love slides and could care less how they look. Can't wait to see your chicken. It sounds like you have been busy with family. I have a huge book of Hans Christen Anderson fairytales from my friend in Denmark. I absolutely hate air conditioning. I'd rather sweat.

Elderberry-Rob said...

I love Grimms fairy tales and Aesops fables. There is so much in them about making the right choice/path, hidden away, waiting to be discovered. Cheerio necklaces sound nice. I like hazel nuts as they remind me of my grandad, he had a nut wood in his land and stored nuts, when we were kids and stayed there we had a bowl of salt, cracked the nuts, licked them, dipped it in the salt (so it would stick to the nut!) and savoured - a happy memory - back then I didn't know how lucky I was but I value those memories now :) Betty (Elderberry-rob.blogspot)

Lisa Richards said...

Glad to hear of all your fun goings on! I hope all the pink eye has cleared up. We had almost no snow this winter and so appreciate any showers. God bless you sister! Keep on keeping on! :)
