Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A Bite on the Snout

Hello friends!  It's May and almost June and I have definitely had the garden guilt for not weeding more.  The peonies haven't bloomed so I figure I'm still okay.  Have you noticed how expensive plants are at the nursery and even at the grocery store?  Yikes!  I might just plant old seeds that are still in my gardening bucket, left over from last year.  

Anyway, Winnie is Kelli's dog (pictured above) and she had a scary thing happen the other day.  She was bitten by a rattle snake!  Kelli and her family are out of town and their house/dog sitter saved the day and took Winnie to the emergency vet.  I think the baby rattle snake had short fangs and wasn't able to get a good grip on Winnie's snout but it still swelled up a lot.  I went to see her at the ER and she panted, but also ate so she was okay.  The rattle snake was on the pool deck.  Yikes!  So much for swimming.  We have to get over the creepy snake fear first.

Do you like this sweet bowl?  It has a hole where you put in the little ornament.  You can change it when you want to.  I love it. I filled it with cherries and then I ate them.

What do you think of my new chair?  It's called a lazy chair, I think.  Jenny had one so I shopped for one, too. 

If you ever make a salad like this, find a good dressing.  I used a bottled dressing and it sort of ruined the taste.  I have two small boxes of strawberries that came in my veggie box that I shall eat for dinner.  I might share some with Bill. 
I MIGHT dabble in some cross stitch.  I have several "Animal Crackers" patterns.  Isn't Maggie Mae cute?

 What have you been up to? Are you excited for June to arrive?  I usually feel like June lasts a long time, so other than our anniversary, I think it will hold quite a few long days for playing in the garden and taking walks.  

I am knitting a hat for a friend who is having chemo therapy and I am going to make a doll for a baby (she's turning two and I'm thrilled that she invited me to her birthday party!) I'll show you when the dolly is completed.  I want her to be very soft with a cotton print dress and bloomers.  I might knit her a red petticoat like Tasha Tudor wore.  

I hope you are surrounded by opportunities to connect with others.  We ARE meant to love others and it is what is best for us.  

"I believe every single person deserves to be acknowledged, however simple or small the greeting." ~ Howard White

Thank you for coming by and reading my words.  I appreciate it.


Lowcarb team member said...

Not nice to be bitten by a rattle snake, pleased that Winnie is okay.

I like the look of your lazy chair.
I like a comfy chair while I sit reading a book.

Enjoy the rest of May, it's certainly speeding by!

All the best Jan

Kim said...

Yikes, a rattle snake on the pool deck!! That is scary indeed. I'm glad Winnie is recovering. I don't know why but I always associate rattle snakes out in the desert. How fun you are going to a two year old child's birthday party. The dolly you are going to fashion sounds beautiful. Maggie Mae is filled with whimsy and sweetness. Such a pretty little cross stitch. Enjoy your summery, June days, dear Pom Pom.

Julie said...

Poor darling Winnie being bitten by a snake .. I am so pleased she is okay. That is scary. I adore your new bowl dear Pom Pom. Stacy Nash's cross stitch designs are ALWAYS gorgeous. xx

Granny Marigold said...

I'm so glad Winnie is okay but I would be afraid of going outside if there was a possibility of rattlesnakes. UGH.
Your new bowl is lovely and I'm sure cherries eaten out of it taste even better than usual cherries ( which I'm looking forward to us getting up here).
Maggie Mae (love her name) is very cute. I used to do a lot of cross stitch and enjoyed it. Arthritis limits any handwork now.

I am certainly looking forward to June. I think flowers are at their best in June ( especially Peonies). 🍦🍧🍨🥤🍇🍇🍇

Elizabethd said...

It would be rare to find a rattle snake here! What a nasty experience for your dog....and you too.

Between Me and You said...

Poor Winnie! What a thing to happen! Loving that very comfy looking chair. Like a fabric hug!My peonies must be at least 35 years old and still going strong. I brought them from my old garden 23_years ago and replanted them here.Have a look at Julie @MyThreadbearLife's blog to see her latest bunny make. She's adorable(Julie too!).Always great to 'see' you!xxx

M.K. said...

Poor Winnie!! Ouch! I hope she will be okay. We've had snakes on our property, and our dog Ned used to find them and fight them :(
The salad -- next time, try a 1-1-1 dressing: 1 part white wine vinegar, 1 part sugar, 1 part salad oil (a light olive). Dissolve the sugar in the vinegar first, and then shake all three well. Delicious, and nice on that kind of salad. I'd add a little feta cheese!
I think our June will be very busy, full of traveling, so it will go too fast. And it will be HOT down here by July. Yes, the plants this year are so expensive. I opted for lots of impatiens, which are cheap, and bloom all summer until frost.

16 blessings'mom said...

Oh poor Winnie! (One of my girls has a pup named Winnie, Winston). I'm visiting my son here in Phoenix (Peoria) Arizona, from New York, and he has had to have a rattle snake removed from the yard before. Behind his house is desert, ugh. So awesome and almost beautiful, but the critters, ugh! I'm glad Winnie is of their dogs licked a poison toad when they first moved here, but was fine after a bit. I think I'd rather live in New York with the mosquitoes and the snow....

ellen b. said...

Oh no, poor Winnie. I'm glad she'll be okay. The mountain behind us that we own part of is called Rattlesnake mountain. Since we've lived here we haven't seen one and I'm thankful. That really does look like a comfortable lazy chair indeed! June is pretty low key until the very last weekend and that will be special. Hope you have a very peaceful Memorial Day weekend.

happyone said...

Oh poor Winnie - glad she is okay and it was a baby snake that bit her!!
That chair of yours looks so comfortable. I love to have one. :)

Julia said...

A rattlesnake in the yard is too close for comfort. I'm glad the dog is OK. So scary... It could have been a big rattlesnake. I hope that there's no more snake incident. Your lazy chair looks comfy.

Have a safe summer.
Hugs, Julia

Bonnie K said...

What a wonderful post. You are correct, life is better when you are focused on doing things for others. Our ranch dog was bitten by rattlesnakes probably 3-4 times. He would disappear, bury himself in the mud somewhere, and return after about a week. Only once were we able to capture him before he took off. He got bit on the tongue by a baby rattler that was just about to strike my mom. He was an amazing dog.
