Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A Soft Friend and Creativity Suggestions

Hello everyone!  Look at the peonies!  They pop out so fast!  Many ants traverse their leaves and buds so they really aren't allowed inside.  Tim likes tipping over vases so . . . 

I finished the dolly for the cute big baby who invited me to her birthday party.  I had taken a thirty year break from doll making, so I labored over her for quite some time.  She's cute, isn't she?  The recipient was nonplussed😂 and stared at Birdie the knot head doll with a confused look on her face.  Her brother buckled Birdie into the doll bed I found and then we concluded, "Okay, she's gone to bed." That was the end of that!  It was fun to sew, so yesterday I sewed a pair of linen pants and I really followed the directions and now they fit perfectly.  

The other day I was buying a Bundt cake from the fancy cake store and I had to wait for them to frost the cake (15 minutes) so I went to the doughnut store and had the doughnut below.

 It's already ten o'clock and I'm meant to be out planting.  I wonder if it will be fun 😂.  It's a wee bit exhausting hauling hoses and filling water cans.  We'll see!

I received a impersonal email that was about furniture, but it contained 5 ways to foster creativity and they are:

1.  Spend time alone

2.  Create every day

3.  Surround yourself with inspiration

4.  Stay organized

5.  Keep a creativity journal

Do those sound doable or interesting to you? They sound very nice to me.  

Thank you for stopping in to see my dolly make and I pray today that you recognize eternal peace and love.  I hope you can touch something pretty and experience refreshment.  (BIG HUG!)


My Tata's Cottage said...

You had me at doll and donut and fancy bundt cake! hahahaha Always love seeing you here. The doll is just precious. Enjoy the week!

Anne M Robinson said...

Lovely flowers. As a doll person Y E S ! Adorable. Donuts are always a nice surprise as is a bundt cake too. Yum Yum Yum ... I am a Boston Cream filled donut fan! I don't even live near Boston!

HappyK said...

Love your doll. I have a cloth doll that a friend made!!
I do all of those 5 ways!! My made by HappyK blog is my creativity journal.

Gretchen Joanna said...

I hope your lovely doll with personality was fun to make, or at least fun *to have completed* - haha! It's the thing I have at the end that I like about sewing. I still have not sewn anything in my newish Sewing Room -- good thing I renamed it the Morning Room -- but I bought even more fabric last Christmas to make gift bags as gifts for next Christmas! We'll see how that goes.

Peonies I have never grown, but they are wonderful. My Pippin was overjoyed this week when hers started blooming :-)

Julie said...

Well I think this "grown up girl" might have got VeRy excited indeed to receive Birdy the knot head dolly. Perhaps more excited than a two year old!!! I love knot head dolls & I've even made them before with whole cloves poked into their heads - tho not for little children!!! Your donut looks so delicious. Yes to all five suggestions for creativity. x0x

Granny Marigold said...

Lovely lovely peonies💜💜💜
You did a great job of making that doll.
And...I like the suggestions for being more creative.
Have a wonderful rest-of-the-week.

Anonymous said...

Lovely to read your news, as usual, you really inspire me to be creative. Very impressed you made trousers in a day. I bought a pattern to try to make a top. If I do it, it will be my first dressmaking since school, which was a disaster! So nearly 50 years ago!! Thank you for posting. Lynn x

Between Me and You said...

Love Birdie! I would love her as a friend! I'm poor in money but rich in alone time!My Mother made us three girls tag folks many,many moons ago and when I tried to pass mine on to a daughter-in-law, she declined, saying 'good grief that will give the children nightmares'! So I kept mine for posterity!I love my peonies too but they're so shortlived. Hope all's well at yours.xxx

M.K. said...

#1, 2, and 3 work for me!! I struggle to stay organized in my tiny studio. Honestly, organization is challenging as I age and don't have much energy. I have to conserve my energy for creative work in the mornings. Housework and organizing take second place. Keeping a journal? I've tried so so many times, and at least for now ... it's not for me.
The peonies are gorgeous! What color!

Between Me and You said...

'tag folks' should have been rag dolls!!!

Katerinas Blog said...

My blog also works as a creativity journal for me.
I really liked the doll you made,
I believe as long as you work on it you will improve!
Your peonies are wonderful!

Kim said...

Always touching something pretty, here, dear Pom Pom. =) Your peonies are a dream and the little dolly is darling. It's been a very long time, since I've made a sweet dolly, too

Julia said...

Your Peonies are gorgeous. Mine are starting to open too. Such a lovely fragrance. The homemade doll is precious in her cosy little bed.
Lucky recipient.
Hugs, Julia

ellen b. said...

I love your dolly! Well done. I get a bucket of water when I cut peonies to bring in and dunk the beautiful bloom in head first, then I shake all the ants out before I put them in a vase. I don't have a cat so I don't have to worry about a vase getting knocked over. :) God gave you creativity that I can see. Happy day to you!

Lowcarb team member said...

Beautiful peonies.
I do like your doll.

Enjoy your June days.

All the best Jan

Sarah said...

The peonies are just beautiful. One of my favourite flowers. I must look at getting some for my garden.

The doll is so pretty and I'm impressed at how quickly you made your linen pants. My sewing skills are slooow.

I enjoyed my visit today, it's been quite a while since I last visited and I'm glad I did :)

Donna said...

Beautiful peonies! New here...love the blog.
I Love the doll! Lots of time and work...
Happy week

Kezzie said...

I love the doll, so beautiful!!! I like all the suggestions and would do any of those!!xxx

Fat Dormouse said...

I like the ideas about fostering creativity, but what IS a Creativity Journal? Enquiring minds wish to know...
