My friend Kim sent me lemons. Oh, the are so yummy! I have a few left - savoring them!
My neighbor Reve gave me this adorable felted bird. I know! So CUTE!
April made me an Advent box with sweet little knitting supplies in each sack. Isn't this marker fun?
Here is Mary. Yes, I started knitting a Nativity scene. Mary definitely looks like a traveler, doesn't she? It's fun to knit dolls, but it takes a lot of time, looking at the pattern quite often and changing wools.

Kelli gave me this kitty doll.
Tim is hanging out on the heating pad! Silly Tim!
We had a health scare. Bill had a very bad head cold and then developed shortness of breath. We went to the emergency room and found out he had blood clots in his lungs! We're so thankful we got right in to see the doctors and he had a procedure for ridding lungs of blood clots that very day! We are so grateful that God guided the physicians and gave us peace. He was in the hospital for three days and has been home six days now. He feels so much better! We're so grateful for all of our sweet friends and family who made meals for us, checked on us and most importantly PRAYED for Bill. Jenny stayed with us at the hospital and that was such comforting support. Bill has been strong and a good sport. I'm so glad he's okay.
My word for the new year is the same one as last year. It's work. I am not finished with this word. I like to think about what I do, how I can do what is in front of me and I want to do what God has for me with all of my heart. Sometimes I see that what I did in a day could be talking to people. Some days I clean or tidy. Sometimes I go for walks. I like to pay attention to what I spend my time doing.
Thank you so much for stopping in, long time friend. I really like it when you do (BIG HUG!)
Oh I am so pleased to read that Bill is doing better now dear Pom Pom. What a scare for you all! I love your knitted dollies & I love your bulb .. it is stunning. Wishing better & healthier times for you all x0x 🖤
I'm so thankful that the doctors quickly identified the problem and were able to get rid of the blood clots in Bill's lungs. I'm sure it was a stressful time and not the start of the new year that you expected.
I like your sweet little gifts especially the felted bird. I have one similar ♥
How delightful to visit you, dear Pom Pom this lovely new year. Goodness me, blood clots on the lungs is frightfully serious. How wonderful Bill is now back home and recovering well. Love all your beautiful gifts you received. I am partial to the sweet little bird; so, so pretty. And the wax bulb amaryllis...just gorgeous. Cute knitted Mary, you knitted. May God bless you and your Bill...and all your loved ones throughout this year as you daily 'work' making your little world a better and cheerier place.
Happy New Year dearest friend. I'm so glad Bill is on the mend. Wishing him a speedy recovery and continued good health. Take care of yourself
Ps you have a lot of mugs!!lol x
Pompom, my prayers are with you and Bill. In this new year. May it be full of life, love and laughter, good health, and unexpected joys. I too was given a little felted bird. I have done no work at all on the knitted nativity I began two years ago! But Christmas for us was a great time of family, friends, and faith 😊❤️👍🙏
So sorry there has been illness in your house, and hope all will be well. We look forward to the Spring now.
Lovely to see you here again. So glad Bill is OK. I love your photos. Happy new year Lynn x
Oh that is a scary health scare. Glad things worked out good.
What lovely gifts you received.
The knitted Mary looks fantastic. Well done!!!
I am so glad your husband is doing well! How scary was that? I am so sorry that happened.
Thank goodness your husband is ok! What a terrible scare. I'm glad you got to spend time with your family. I love the knitted Mary. Here is hoping for a happy healthy new year.
Oh my, so happy to read that Bill was given good care and that those clots were discovered and taken care of. How scary. God is so good in the whole peace department. Glad you felt that. You got some fun gifts. God bless you all in 2024!
Every year I say I'd like to be less busy during the holidays and somehow it never happens! I am so very grateful that Bill was able to get the treatment for the blood clots so quickly and avert really terrible consequences. How very grateful you must be. Yes, a little divine intervention, I think.
Not sure why my comments aren't showing up. I wrote a really long one yesterday! Glad Bill is on the mend xxx
What a relief that Bill is okay and on the mend! I'm sorry about this health scare. It can really pull you up short, can't it? December was a whirlwind, but it sounds like you had lots of family fun. We got to see all 5 of our grands on a long trip. Now I'm home and doing crafty things in the winter. Happy knitting!
I hope clotting problems are behind your dear husband, never to be encountered again! Whew - what an experience. May God cover you with peace. <3
Knitting dolls is very important work, in my way of thinking. I have had the knitting of doll clothes on my "someday" to do list (I did do this in the past!), but maybe I should switch my sort-of goal to dolls themselves. Clothes could be built-in, or added on later... Your Mary is inspiring.
Dear Pom Pom, a BIG hug back to you as well. How good God is! It is so wonderful that he was immediately treated and is now doing well.
Your waxed bulb fascinates me; I have never heard of that before, and it seems amazing that it also blooms! (We are never too old to learn something new are we?! I have learned something new.)
Sounds like you had a busy and lovely holiday season. And I love what you say about work in your last paragraph. Paying attention to what we spend our time doing . . .
Sara (Long-lost but not yet gone!)
Good to see a post from you, Pom Pom.
So sorry to hear about the health scare. That must have been a stressful time for all of you. I am so glad to hear that they were able to diagnose and treat the problem and wish Bill a smooth recovery.
May Bill's lungs and his whole body be de-clotted for good and forever. Amen. That is too scary. May God keep you in that peace you mentioned.
I love seeing the WORK you are doing in the knitted doll department -- important work, by my way of thinking. I have knitted doll clothes before and have in mind doing more of that in the future. But maybe I should go right to the doll and knit him or her first! You are inspiring.
I love all your presents. You remind me that I wanted to write about one of mine. Happy New Year, PomPom!
I enjoyed your post and catch-up but was sorry to read about your husband. That was a nasty scare, thank goodness he is all right, and now recovering well.
All the best Jan
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