Thursday, October 12, 2023

Another Bear for Pom Pom

My sister sent me a gift card so I used it for pink hiking shoes (no, I have not been hiking) and this adorable Jelly Cat bear.  Isn't he darling?  I love his face.  He's such a nice size, too.  He's perfect for sleeping, tucked under your chin. The pink hikers are very supportive and very warm, so maybe I might go "hiking" in our neighborhood. When I was looking at them online James said, "Are you going to go hiking?" I replied, "No." Silly Pom Pom. 

I am a dyer now.  I have dyed four things. I used RIT dye and the washing machine to dye a dress, t shirt, and blouse the color marigold and then I dyed this blouse neon green.  SO satisfying!  

This is the dress.  I wore it to meet a friend for pancakes (yum) but I took it off as soon as I got home because I got tired of myself as a goldie. 
A very sweet and precious friend gave me a gift card to KnitPicks so I ordered all the beautiful wool pictured below.  JOY!
I stayed with James and Noah when Christie and Jeff went to California for an anniversary trip.  It was very lovely but they both got sick and didn't feel 100%.  I was so happy taking care of them.  When they felt a bit better, we went to the book store.  I had seen this book earlier on a previous book store visit and snatched it up.  It's not as fun as it looks and Granny is a horrible follower of folding directions.  The papers are so lovely, but the results were flops. I hope their parents can follow instructions more accurately. 
Here is a very old photo of James.  He has 2 smiles for you.
Thank you for your nice responses on my last post.  I like hearing what you guys think. 

How are you going to make the most of October?  I'm looking for ideas.

I like you so much.  Thank you for stopping by!



Gretchen Joanna said...

Your dyed shirt reminds me of pistachio ice cream - yum. And the gold dress is a lovely color, very warm and fallish. I'd say your dyeing has been a success.

The bear is truly a sweetie. My house is fuller of stuffies than ever when my five children owned them here. I keep buying them for the grandchildren to play with when they come. :-)

Julie said...

I love your new bear Pom Pom ... & I especially love that shade of green that you have dyed your blouse. It is very pretty & suits you. xxx

Granny Marigold said...

In the past I have tried to make a paper airplane that actually sailed across the room. Alas, mine all dive-bombed and hit the floor.
I like your pretty wool. I can't knit or crochet but I'd be tempted to have lovely coloured wool in a basket and just enjoy the look of it.

M.K. said...

A post full of beautiful things! Great job on the dying - and the yarn is so pretty! October will soon be a month of driving for me. I'm seeing all the grands on a long trip by myself. I don't like the driving, but I love the people I get to see! Happy October, PomPom!

elizabeth said...

Cute!! I love the various colours!!! And I love YOU!

happyone said...

You picked out some great colors of yarn!!
Pink hiking shoes sound NICE.
Nothing special happening this month, but I will enjoy every day. :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh gosh seeing that book reminded me of the times I've tried (and failed) to make paper aeroplanes!

During October, there are quite a few Autumn craft sales and bazaars near to us which are always worth a visit.

Have a lovely weekend.

All the best Jan

ellen b. said...

Hello there, dear Pom Pom. Glad you continue to have fun with your Grands and your projects, too. You look lovely in that mellow yellow! I like your new shoes. They would work well on cobblestones in England! October will hopefully find my dear hubby able to complete tiling our master bath shower. Since his stroke things don't come as easily as before for him. Take care and enjoy!

Bonnie K said...

I need you to re-dye my garden hat. You can hardly tell it is green. That wool looks so inviting. The bear seems soft. I like your mint green and the yellow. It was a perfect yellow. I'm not good at folding things either. Especially, laundry.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

What a fun happy post! Love your new pink shoes and bear! What a fun way to spruce up your wardrobe. I've thought about dyeing, but never have done it. I like the yellow on you! Hugs, love and blessings!

Lorrie said...

Hello PomPom - I'd saying your dyeing turned out exceptionally well. The gold colour looks great on you. Folding paper airplanes isn't something I'd be particularly good at - but my grandchildren could do it!

Lisa Richards said...

I'm in the market for a new pair of shoes for my walks. Mine are a little snug. I like yours! Congrats on the dying. They look great! I'm doing a lot of reading and walking in my new place in town. I hope I'll get back to blogging eventually. My laptop doesn't like to let me load pictures and I don't like blogging without photos, ya know?
Hugs to you, friend!

Kezzie said...

Oh look at how grown up gorgeous James is now! So cute!
Your yarn is beautiful!
I've got a jumper I need to dye mustard coloured with Rit dye but it's synthetic so it needs to bedone in a large saucepan so I am too scared to do it! Well done to you for your dyeing efforts!
Hope you are well Pom Pom!x

Kezzie said...

P.S. I can never make folded paper items from books, only videos- I never understand the pictures!
