Thursday, February 23, 2023

Potted Cheese and Black Jelly Beans

Hi friends!  I am at our Jenny's house taking care of their dogs and cats while they enjoy Disneyland with our Kelli and her family.  The weather in California has been cold!  Kelli said their feet are wet!  Isn't this a funny photo of Plum Cake when she was younger?  
I love the dogs and the cats and they have been very nice to me.  Right now I am upstairs and they are downstairs, lying around on the sofas.  It's been so cold here (2 degrees this morning) so the pups prefer to be inside, of course.  Bill is home at our house with Tim.  I miss them.
I've been eating funny things like black jelly beans, potted cheese, oranges, toast . . . I've been knitting and reading, watching YouTube and such.  Two more days and I'll go home and get ready to go to Thailand!  Woo hoo! 
Do you like this knitted doll?  I bought the book JUST for this dolly pattern.  Northern Knits Gifts is the book.
My neighbor gifted me with this lovely Valentine fabric bundle.  I am going to piece together the squares and make a curtain.
I am going to miss Tim so much when we are away, but he has caregivers coming every day and most nights.  We'll only be gone a week.  All the friends at my Bible study are so nice to pray for us while we are away.  They really are the warmest and sweetest followers of Jesus.

 What is on YOUR heart?  Are you sorting through priorities?  Are you watching for God's movements in your life?  Are you meeting any new people?  Are you feeling grateful?  What's your favorite food these days?  I think mine is potted cheese.  😂

Thank you for coming by to say hello.  xo


HappyK said...

That picture is priceless! :)
Love the knitted doll. I have a pattern for a knitted Santa that I've never tried.
2 degrees is cold!!! We had a very unusually warm and sunny day - a preview of spring.

Gretchen Joanna said...

Your doll is fantastic - well worth whatever the book cost! I would love to make more dolls... but I don't think they will be knitted ones.

Have a good time in Thailand! My granddaughter and her father were planning to go there this spring but it looks like her passport is not coming in time...

Between Me and You said...

I hear it's snowing in some parts of California! Love the knitted doll. I look forward to seeing your lovely curtain. I've been using my air fryer that I got for my birthday a lot.Signs of spring here are heartening. Can't wait to see pics of your Thailand

ellen b. said...

Hello dear lady. The closest we'll get to Thailand is take out at our Thai to go in town. Such good food. God bless your time in Thailand. We had a cold snap when we were at Disneyland in January, too. We still have snow on the ground and it sounds like we'll get some more. What's on my dear friend who is our church secretary died suddenly last night. It is a shock. God called her home sooner than she even knew. She got promoted to heaven and God will comfort those of us who will miss her on this earth.

Granny Marigold said...

All the different Valentine fabrics are so pretty. Makes me wish once again that I could sew.
The look on Plum Cake's face is hilarious. So sweet!!
I imagine potted cheese to be something like the cheese ball that my daughter makes every Christmas. I don't think I've heard of it otherwise.
Have a wonderful and safe trip to Thailand.

Lowcarb team member said...

Those Valentine fabrics look lovely.
Wishing you a wonderful trip to Thailand.

All the best Jan

Farm Girl said...

I am praying for you too.
I love all of your pretty pictures. Such fun things you do. I love your doll.

Lisa Richards said...

I look at that knitted doll and say, "How is that even possible?" :)
I did a couple of days of dog and chicken sitting last weekend. It was a good excuse to get in some reading time!
May God bless and protect you on your trip. Enjoy!

Latane Barton said...

I always feel grateful, even when things go wrong. And, I set priorities, too. No energy to waste on silly stuff. Okay, I should know this... but what is potted cheese?
