Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter Dress Flop

 Hello, spring chickens!  I hope you had a joyful Easter Sunday!  We still have snow views (it'll go away soon) but we do have blue skies.  Yay! I've been knitting a hat for our Brad.  I like small projects.
My sister sent me a goodie box!  She's so sweet.  I love the Peter Rabbit purse.
 Some favorite Easter bunny girls.
 They had a fun swim meet!  Splash!

Fairies!  So precious!

 It is not really feeling like spring so we still need snuggle supplies on the sofa.
 And tea.
 And an overwhelming supply of books.

In all my years of sewing I have never made a big boo boo while cutting out the pattern/fabric.  Never say never.  Anywho, the Easter dress is an Easter skirt.  I'll take a picture of the revised outfit very soon.  Oh well!
 More cuteness!
 And more cuteness!
 And even though I messed up the Easter dress, this hat for Brad is done and will pass for cozy.  I going to keep sewing because I don't want to stop at a discouraging point.  I may never start again.

I'm looking forward to seeing spring garden doings around Blogland.  We won't have those opportunities for a while, but I shall enjoy flowers from warmer climes.
Take care and thank you for popping in!  

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Almost Easter

 Hello!  Isn't Finn funny?  He loves the birds!
At his house, they are coloring Easter eggs today.  It's a good day for it - there's a blizzard outside!
 Easter is coming!  The bunny's at the mall and Jeff was surprised that James wanted to say hello to him!  Cheese!
 James has been taking trips out and about with his parents.  Are you cold in there, James?
 We've had some amazing moons lately!
 I'd say Henry is adjusting just fine to his new home, don't you think so?

We are having a whopper of a spring blizzard today!  
 And this snowy morning I found this adorable photo of our four kids taken on a snow day long ago!

My mom sent me another two boxes full of my grandma's diaries and I have been reading and reading and reading.  She kept a diary every day until she could no longer write.  I find her words fascinating.  I think her daily entries speak of the beauty of order and they remind me that the rhythms of everyday life matter.

She lost her husband when my mom was just fourteen years old and she had a two year old at the time.  She recorded every penny she spent, every time she changed the sheets on her bed, the weather, and each small occurrence as well as some heartbreaking experiences.  My mom says that she was a fantastic mother, the kind of mother everyone should have.  She faithfully loved her children and grandchildren.  She was sort of shy so every person that was kind to her found their way into her daily jottings.  It makes me realize that paying attention to others and letting them know they are in my heart and on my mind is EXTREMELY essential.  I am so glad that I have journaled for most of my life.  Someday one of my granddaughters might want to pour over my everyday thoughts. 

 The other day my neighbor texted me and suggested I cut some forsythia sticks off of her bush for inside blooming.  Aren't they lovely?
And on this snowy day I have finally cut out my Easter dress!  

Right now I feel like knitting and I hate to admit it but I've been watching the news channel because I sort of want to know what's happening in our crazy presidential race.  I think I'll watch until I can't stand it anymore.
I'm SO looking forward to Easter Sunday!  What are you going to do that day?
Thank you for popping in.  You're kind to do so.  

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Mr. Badger Speaks

 I have given Mr. Badger a good long time to recoup from all his merrymaking (read hygge-making) and it's time to interview him before sending him on to Thistle Cove Farm.  He's been asking about going to the farm now for a few weeks. "When are we going to the post office?  I am longing to visit with Sandra and her animals.  I think I shall enjoy her company."  Okay, Mr. Badger.  It's time for you to stop in Virginia before you head over the water to the Strawberries at Mags's house in Belfast.  If anyone stateside would like to host Mr. B. you can let me know in the comments and I'm sure Sandra will be willing to let him take a side trip.  He's REALLY ready to get back to the UK (you'll notice in the interview).  

Pom Pom:  Mr. Badger, when you left Denver I promised you that your hygge-filled journey would delight the hostesses.  What did you think of Mags?
Mr. Badger:  She is full of fun and very exuberant.  I would like to have her as a houseguest in MY home.  She extends grand hospitality and her children (boys, my favorite) are wonderful.  Her husband radiates real hospitality as well.  They are a very busy family and their home felt "just right" to me.
 Pom Pom: I envy you, Mr. Badger.  I want to stay at Mags's house.  What do you think of Ireland?
Mr. Badger:  I thought the rain was snug.  Mags made me many cups of tea.  Her brew was delicious.  
 Pom Pom: Mags sent you on to Betty.  What are the woods like there?  
Mr. Badger:  VERY wild.  Betty's home is also very hygge.  There is a real feeling of love and attentiveness there.  Her boys are very kind and her husband offered me a pint.  I caught a glimpse of her well ordered cupboards and I was very impressed with her tidiness.  
 Pom Pom: And then you were on to Angela's.  Is she as vivacious as she seems to be on her blog?  
Mr. Badger:  Oh yes!  She and her kind husband (I called him Rev and he didn't seem to mind) are amazing when it comes to loving people.  They offer hygge every chance they get.  They are the picture of unselfishness.  I liked the bread Bob makes and I wanted to look through Angela's craft stash.  I was frightened that maybe Rev might want me to take a turn on his motorbike, but thankfully he didn't offer.  I especially liked listening to their prayers.  

 Pom Pom:  How were things at Chel's?
Mr. Badger:  Wonderful!  Lord and Lady Grantham really liked me.  They liked my clothes and Lady Mary is reading The Wind in the Willows to all of the children in the nursery.  I am glad you thought to let me watch the last Downton Abbey.  I really like Lady Mary's new husband.  Carson took me aside and asked if I'd like to see his pantry.  VERY tidy indeed.  Mrs. Hughes tickled Mr. Carson while we were in the pantry and I blushed.  
 Pom Pom:  How was it at the top of the cathedral?
Mr. Badger: You know I live underground!  It was terrifying, but I felt very holy there.  Chel is an excellent tour guide.  She held me close.  

 Pom Pom:  And you got to go to school with Kezzie?
Mr. Badger:  I quite fell in love with her!  She's a true teacher and taught ME to play the recorder.  I shall ask Ratty and Mole if they know how to play one.  Maybe Mr. Toad could find one at his house.  I enjoyed CBC, too.  He is a true gentleman, a snappy dresser.  I would like to visit their new home.  
 Pom Pom: And then on to Minnesota!  Were you cold?  
Mr. Badger:  Lisa knows how to make a home a perfect snuggery.  I am wondering if something about my presence causes people to move house!  Lisa has also moved since my visit!  I had no idea that such a woodsy wonderland existed in a country so young.  I enjoyed Lisa's library.  She has a fine appreciation for all things English.
 Pom Pom:  And then on to Heather's!  How was THAT?
Mr. Badger:  At first I was afraid the children might not like me, being an old English gentleman.  I didn't know that they REALLY know how to serve tea and that they spent a good bit of time in Scotland.  I had my OWN house there in the Blackberry Rambles!  I was treated like an honored guest! Heather is an excellent homemaker and teacher. I learned a lot listening to their conversations.  

 Pom Pom: I'm so glad you stopped here for a while so we could regroup.  Let's take a look at some of the treasures you are taking back to Ireland. 
 Mr. Badger:  Even though Pooh Bear is rather silly, I can't help but like him and I've always had a fondness for Christopher Robin.  This bridge was a lot of fun!  
 I'm definitely going to return to Downton Abbey when I can.  I'm so glad that Thomas Barrow is the new butler because he was very kind to me, offered me a coffee, and let me sleep in his sock drawer.  I took a nap in Mrs. Patmore's pocket while she walked down to her B & B.  I gave her some hygge tips as to how to make her guests feel welcome.  
 Here is a photo of the cold in Indiana.  Heather kept me warm and I truly loved spending the Christmas season with such a nice family.

 Betty took me to church.  This church has been around since the Battle of Hastings.  I put a coin in the plate.  I plan to attend here more regularly when I return to England.
Mr. Badger:  Overall I have had a wonderful time, but I miss the United Kingdom.  I know I shall stay in Ireland but I feel sure Mags will take me when she travels to England.  I have made so many friends and the pages of the book I'm traveling with are full of good words, good annotations, and lovely drawings.  You blog women are very kind and I enjoy the attention you've paid me.
Thistle Cove Farm, I shall arrive soon!
(So, Mr. Badger has had a shortened version of the world tour Ratty, Mole, and Mr. Toad enjoyed.  He's off for the next leg of his excursion.  I shall kiss him good bye and send him off with all kinds of The Wind in the Willows love and adoration!)

Saturday, March 12, 2016


 Yikes!  I've been blog-crastinating!  My mom called today and asked, "Where's Pom Pom?" I mean to do a post about Mr. Badger (he's resting in our living room) and my friend Marcie's gardening book, but the light has been weird and I am worried about covering all the exciting travels of Mr. B. Anywho . . . all that later, but for how I thought you might like to see our toothless wonder!  Isn't that grin priceless?
Bill was in Taiwan for a while and I spent A LOT of time doing absolutely nothing but watching Coronation Street on my iPad.  Seriously, it's addicting and there are SO many episodes and I am LAZY! I DID make a mitten while watching the news, shivering in response to all the shenanigans taking place with the presidential primaries.  
 Glorious Yiping sent home tea.  It's scrumptious.
 I colored, but coloring is slow going, don't you think?
 I did not make any progress on the Easter dress.  I should not have said I would because of course when I said I was going to, I didn't want to.  
 I LOVED the last Downton Abbey and now I am reading this.  VERY interesting!
 And this!  Our Jeff is turning 30 next month and this is his all time favorite book so I am going to read it because I have not done so before.  I watched Part 1 and Part 2 of the BBC production.  GOOD!  
 And I was tired of my forehead so I got my hair cut today!  Yippee!  I like it much better than before.
 And guess who I met last Saturday?  Yes, gorgeous Nancy from Nancy's Arts and Crafts.  She is SO wonderful and we jabbered on and on like old friends (because we have been blogger friends for ever so long).  Don't you love her necklace?

So forgive me for being away so long.  I'm back now and I shall try to mend my couch potato ways.
More soon!  Love, love love. 
