Thursday, April 9, 2015

April Pretties

 More happy April!  The lilacs are popping out along the neighbor path!  
And so are the kids on bikes!
 Are these violets?  I think the fairies planted them.

 Really, the fruit blossoms are stunning. I don't care if they're full of pollen (achoo!) because our neighborhood looks as if it is trimmed with lace!
Aw!  Cousin love!

 And a sleepy bee!

 The other night we were watching Millie Rose ride a bike on the driveway and the sun was setting.  I love that old fireball!
 One daffodil.  There is a funky one growing close to the ground, too.  

 Easter tulips!
 A delicious fish dinner (I could eat fish for dinner every night)! This is last night's dinner.  We had A LOT of ham for our Easter meal.

 Easter Sunday was easy breezy!  Easter dresses embellished the day!

 Cute polka dot mommy!  
 Do you like Birdie's Easter bonnet?
 Millie's toes!  So funny!
 Look at this bright butterfly!  

 Hello Plum Cake!

 I made way too much food.  I wonder if we've moved beyond casseroles for holidays.  The side dishes that had become traditional seem so heavy now.  I must think on this.  
When the local grandgirls come over I like to fill a big bowl with strawberries.  They eat every one!  I don't like the way strawberries smell like garbage in the refrigerator, but I love watching the girls delight in them.
I've had a quiet morning of reading, many cups of coffee and a breakfast of bread and cheese.  More girls coming later.  We might walk down to the bakery for lunch.  
A thunderstorm woke me up in the night.  I think spring is revealing herself with gusto!
Thank you for visiting!


TexWisGirl said...

cutie pie girls! and sweet blossoms!

Jeannette said...

As always, a lovely assortment of pictured beauty.

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

this post is absolutely, positively, totally Spring!!!!!

Beautiful spring flowers. Beautiful children in spring finery. All springy and beautiful.

Btw, we had snow... Not much. But still. Enough to photograph.



Julia said...

Such pretty girls in pretty dresses and mommies too, green grass and spring blossoms to scent the air.
Thanks for sharing your many Spring blessings.

HappyK said...

Spring looks beautiful out your way. I love lilacs. They always make me think of my grandma. She had many bushes of them all along the side of her house and with the windows opened it smelled so good. : )
I've seen the first blooming daffodil around here this morning on my walk.

Between Me and You said...

Such purty Pretties! Spring has definitely sprung here too. The weather, the flowers, school holidays and my own Pretty for a whole night. She wrote two stories and had me type them and print them off for her. She said 'Nana, do you have Word'? Good job I did! Have a great weekend, pal-o-mine. xxx

The Provincial Homemaker said...

The flowers and Grands are so beautiful. You are a great Grandmother. The violets remind me of my Nanna's house...she used to have violets growing under the lemon and orange trees. Perhaps I should plant some here...the weather would probably suit them.

Kezzie said...

Hello! Awww, another lovely post. I love the Spring flowers and the Spring-chickens, aka grandchildren! Wow, they look fit for Judy Garland's Easter Parade in their pretty pastel dresses!x

Farm Girl said...

What lovely photos! I think you had such a fun time. I love all of the pretty girls in their pretty dresses and all of the bright colors.
It looks like a lovely spring. I think my R. could eat fish every single day too. :) Have a wonderful day.

Gill - That British Woman said...

lots of lovely little ones.....great photos. Love the smell of lilacs. said...

Oh I enjoyed some of the same beauty of spring today on my walk. Your grands are just adorable...yes we have moved past casseroles and I am enjoying the lighter dishes.

NanaDiana said...

You are the only person (besides myself) that has ever said strawberries smell like garbage in the fridge. My Hero thinks I have gone round the bend when I say that!

Your family is just beautiful. LOVE those little girls all dressed in their Easter finery. They are just darling. Looks like you had a wonderful day! xo Diana

Lisa Richards said...

Those grands are growing at an amazing rate!
Thanks for sharing all the lovely flowers and children! :)
Glad you had a good Easter.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Lovely pictures of the children, Easter dresses are fun and yes, looks like you have an abundance of violets! you could coat them in sugar and decorate a cake! Betty

Anonymous said...

Well this post has it all for sure. Beauty, sweetness, goodness. I love lilacs! I've been seeing them on my walks. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Gumbo Lily said...

It is SO green there! The lawn is perfect. We are not even close to that kind of green yet. There are tulips and daffs pushing up. Soon we'll have some blossoms.

Such Cute, Cute, Cute kids and mamas. You are so blessed to have them close.

I know what you mean about those heavy Easter casseroles. We had one too, but the kids like the fresh veggies and dip and fruit. (Me too.)

Happy Spring!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I visited you from Aisling:)
What beautiful pictures
and reminds me of times in the
This one
also cooked way too much for Easter dinner with family and a son who arrived from Thailand.
Doing this for many years
and need my girls to start helping :)

Nancy McCarroll said...

Such a fun day.

The violets are called rock cress, a perennial but don't tell the fairies. Pretty flowers, all.

Kit said...

You are sooo right, strawberries do smell like garbage in the frig! But so worth it, to eat strawberries! Lovely pics of a lovely holiday. You make me eager for lilacs. I live in a old area that is full of them. My May treat! You make the days with your family so special. :) Kit

Anonymous said...

Well, that was a very spring-y experience - love the Easter frocks, and all the flowers!!

Anonymous said...

Well, that was a very spring-y experience - love the Easter frocks, and all the flowers!!

M.K. said...

Beautiful, Pom! So glad your spring has fully sprung :) All your beautiful grands blend together for me -- I don't know which parents they belong to, so (for me) they are basically all siblings, which is rather wonderful! I already miss my forsythia bush and its blooms. We are chilly again here, for almost-May. Glad your Easter was joyful! We've started eating roasted veggies quite often, and maybe that's a good substitute for a casserole? So healthy and quick! Cut them, olive oil and seasoning, and cook them on a baking sheet at high temp (450), putting in the more delicate ones last. Remove when they are browning on top. One of my faves :)
