Friday, April 24, 2015

Knitted Woodland

 (In the spring we can grill!  YUM!)
Hello spring chickens!  As I look out the window from my chair (reclined, of course!) I see SUCH friendly green!  Our across-the-street neighbors have the loveliest maple trees and they are almost in full leaf.  Every year I love spring more, do you?

 Look at the book below!  Adorable, right?  I think I am going to knit a good amount of the components found in a woodland! When the book came Bill asked me what book I ordered and when I showed it to him, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Really?"  Ha ha ha ha!  YES!  Who doesn't want to knit their own little woodland, I ask? I tucked my hedgehog finger puppet into the gathered yarn.  He can help.

 There is a gnome pattern and A BADGER!  Mr. Badger of The Wind in the Willows fame is still at Mags' house.  He's pausing before flying to Betty's, but we'll keep you posted on his progress.  Meanwhile, I might knit a badger very soon!
 The birds are so cute hanging on the feeders.  I love their shape, don't you?
 The snow didn't crush the spirit of the lilac!  Wow!  I am thinking about having the two photos below reproduced on canvas.  I think lilacs deserve to hang around all year long (in the living room, of course!)

 The same neighbors that sport the violet-like flowers have these firm and stout tulips.  Aw, yellow again!
 Today I am meeting with Ginny the kitchen lady and she wants me to bring some photos of our existing kitchen.  It's been a sweet little serviceable room.  I am looking forward to the cottage-y green cabinets and the hole above the sink!  Woo hoo!

 Our son-in-law turns 33 tomorrow so we had dinner and cake earlier this week.  He'll be in Florida for his actual birthday.  The cake was way too chocolatey but I had success getting the two layers out of the pans.  This rarely occurs so YAY for my improving cake baking skills.  Sorry to boast.
When I was 33 we had a 2 year old, a 4 year old, a 7 year old, and a 9 year old.  Those were happy times, corralling the kids in our funny mini-van, eating kid-friendly meals, doing mounds of laundry, and in the summer, packing up to go to camp for 3-4 weeks.  When we'd go to the grocery store I would say, "Order of the ducks!" and they would obediently stay in line in the dangerous (smile) parking lot.  Those were such happy days.  Now having grands in the house is very joyful!  

I finished Swift Rivers by Cornelia Meigs.  I must say that I truly appreciate the way she highlighted the noble qualities of the characters.  I fear we've come to expect less from the characters in books today.  Thankfully, there are still some great ones created by Frances O'Roark Dowell (our own Left-Handed Housewife!), Kate DiCamillo, Sharon Lovejoy, and others.
Thank you for stopping in to say hello.  I hope your spring day is sweet and reassuring.  


TexWisGirl said...

really, really cute. love your lilacs, too!

Farm Girl said...

Wow so much happiness here. I love visiting!
Lovely Lilacs! Purple are my favorite. Have fun on your kitchen!
I think that book looks like lots of fun, I wish I knitted more.
When I was 33 I had four too. :) I didn't have the last two until I was 35&37
I remember liking that book a lot too. I have been reading Beverly Cleary's biographies. She was interesting. Have a lovely day.

Granny Marigold said...

Another lovely post! So many things I have to comment on... first of all, do you know the name of the purple-flowering plant in the third photo? I think I have one growing in my yard this year and I'd love to know the name. Secondly, Mr. Badger is lovely, I am very fond of him. Your idea of having the lilacs reproduced on canvas is a great one. If you do, please remember to show us the results. About cakes staying stuck in the pan? I have started lining the bottom with parchment paper and it sure makes a difference. You really went camping for weeks with four young children? You deserve a medal, for sure. Well, this comment is very long. I will quit now. *smile*

Angela said...

We have 2 purple lilac trees in our new garden here. Beautiful!!

Laura said...

You hit the nail on the head when you said, 'every year I love spring more...'
Me too!

Enjoyed visiting,


Bonnie said...

Love tour cheery flower photos. Spring hasn't sprung here yet. It's rainy and windy. I am looking forward to spring!

Nancy McCarroll said...

Always fun to check in on your cheery posts.

You NEED to knit some little animals.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Lovely lilac - how pretty that would be to have the pictures on canvas - hope you do. I painted some lilac on silk last week, it's such a delicate flower. We have bluebells in the woods! and badgers! I think if you knit a badger I will be very impressed - hope Mr Badger arrives here safely, I have some odd days off so will update him on badger life in the UK. Your kitchen plans are exciting, I have a very small kitchen about 5 ft by 10ft if that, when I had it redone 5 years ago we had the most friendly builder, a mormon, very interesting about his faith, he was very considerate of me being in the house while he worked and always cleared up after himself ad apologised if any noise or mess happened. I hope you have such considerate builders. Betty x

Gumbo Lily said...

Those grilled kabobs look AMAZING!!!! And the knitted creatures are awfully cute. I love spring too. Everything come back to life after the winter. We're still very brown and hoping for rain this weekend.

Julia said...

Oh, I love the lilacs and tulips and that cute miniature knitting book is the cats's meow. So very cute.
Have a happy weekend.

HappyK said...

Oh what fun things to knit.
I don't think a cake can be TOO chocolatey! : )
It looks delicious!!!

Anonymous said...

Those little knitted woodland creatures are so darn cute! Your purple lilac looks like mine but I have only gotten 2 blooms so far the last few years. You were one busy 33 year old for sure. Love to think of that duck lineup!
Hope your kitchen remodel turns out real nice!

Debi said...

Thank you for sharing your spring views... we had snow here this morning... it's almost May!! We must have done something to tick off Mother Nature this year! Thanks for sharing the flower photos... they made my day!

NanaDiana said...

Those knitted characters are just enchanting. I think you need a whole menagerie of them!

Your garden shots are beautiful and it is looking like Spring is there.

Glad you found some good reading. Happy weekend to you- xo Diana

April said...

I love that, "order of the ducks,"! I need to start using that

Elizabethd said...

Your lilac photos are stunning. It is one of my favourite bushes.

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

All flowers are lovely...

New kitchen coming, hu?

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see the little woodland critters you knit. How sweet they look!

Lisa Richards said...

I look forward to seeing the cottagey green cabinets and the window over the sink!
You and your awesome knitting skills. Badgers! Wow!
It sounds like you have always been a fun mom and that translates into a fun granny. ;)
Enjoy this fabulous spring. The green grass is just coming up now and I'm wondering how long it will be 'til I have to break out Millie the lawnmower!

Aida said...

How lovely is that woodland book. Well I have faith in you PomPom, you can easily knit a whole the Wind in the Willows community. Your lilac is displaying its beauty, I wonder how their scent is like.
Enjoy the chocolate cake, yum.
Truly lovely to have a big family.
Have a good weekend.

Lilly's Mom said...

How fun to knit all those little woodland creatures. I'm sure it will be fun. Your lilacs are so pretty...I can smell their wonderful perfume. Have a great Sunday:)

Thistle Cove Farm said...

surely there's no such thing as too much chocolatey goodness? can't imagine such a thing! Happy Birthday to the SIL and you go woman...knitting those tiny little things. my hands are cramping just reading about it.
best of success with the new kitchen.
every year I love today, more and more.

Kezzie said...

Oh that woodland book is just enchanting! What beautiful ideas! YES, I too would love my own knitted woodland. We have a cute hedgehog on our window sill as well as two owls and a squirrel! Your lilac is resplendent! I bet that would love very attractive on canvas. x

Kezzie said...

My husband turned 33 on Friday!x

magsmcc said...

He's nearly packed and ready to go xx

Gill - That British Woman said...

love those little knitted woodland characters. Lovely photos of your gardens as well.

Kit said...

Oh my! How cute are those critters? I think I love the birds the best. What a happy project. :) Our lilacs are just about to bloom. A whole month ahead of time. I can't wait. My lily of the valley is going crazy and I love it! Enjoy your week. Kit

Melanie said...

Oh Miss Pom how I miss your sweeter than sweet posts. You really are a treasure.
Yes you should definitely have those images of the lilacs framed, they are gorgeous !!!
Sending you a big hug xoxo
