We bought some tulips and dafs! LOVELY! They exuded sunshine and THAT is a happy thing, right?
We visited a very cool place called Daffodil Hill. The dafs are not in bloom yet, but the project is perking along. There is the church I pictured on my last post, fields of scattered daffodils, many Pilchuck Glass School artist pieces (one of Chihuly's!), and MUCH more. The church had this language on the altar and in the Bible. It's called Dane-No (sp?) and is a combo of Danish and Norwegian. VERY hygge, don't you think?

Both of my brothers and their wives have the MOST beautiful homes. Don't you love this ceiling?
My mom's condo is spacious and has a gorgeous view. It's near our childhood home. I do NOT have golfing skills, but I did grow up across the street from the ninth hole.
Here is our house. I wanted to go inside VERY much, but I know it wouldn't smell like my mom's coffee and Freda's cleaning supplies (she came once a week or twice a month while we were young because my mama had to run my dad's business while he traveled to the state capital during the legislative session).
My mom and brother took a pottery class and I love my brother's toadstool! Do you?
And Miss Bug had her sixth birthday. My cake baking abilities have improved. I have made some majorly FAILED cakes in the last few years, but this one earns an A+.
Flowers for a flower. OH! I love her SO MUCH!
We bought a little heater for the family room because it is like an icebox when I want to sit and knit. Do you like it?
Here we have the holly bush my mama planted in our childhood garden. Holly is lovely in February!
I traveled home on Seahawk/Patriots Day. Yes, my family was sad when the game ended, but they are very devout fans. Do you like my mom's socks?
At the gardens we visited, we gazed upon primroses. I want some, but it's WAY too early here.
I knew you'd like this sleigh. I need it today because the snow is falling.
Samantha, Millie, and Plum Cake are coming over for a little hygge. Can't wait!
I hope you are buying hearts, flowers, and chocolate. Here is a big LOVE HUG for you (***)!
Please pray for my favorite auntie. She had two strokes and is in the hospital. Thank you!
wow, jam packed post!!!
your grand is so cute. and the cake you made, is a wonder!
love the little red heater you got, for your family room. please tell us more about it. is it really a little stove? or does it just look like a stove?
love the red....
cute cake! loved the tulips. glad you had some good family time.
So sorry, I will be praying for your auntie. I don't like my dear Pom Pom to be sad.
I hope you all had a great sixth birthday party at your house. Your cake is just lovely. I hope you have a wonderful day. I love all of the happy flowers too. I love that sleigh too.
Stay warm by your lovely stove. I like red stoves.
Lots of fun and colorful things happening in your world, Pom Pom.
Happy Birthday to Miss Bug. Her cake looks festive and delicious.
Your brothers toadstool is so cute, as are your mom's socks. So sorry for the results of the Superbowl.
What a lot of gorgeous photos!!!
I especially loved to see the flowers, and Miss Bug and her birthday cake. Praying for your auntie.
Oh where did you find your heater? I have seen these but not in RED! Now I gotta have one! LOL Angela
Pom Pom from your post I can feel all the love that runs in your family, it is so precious and it is something that I wish for my own family as well. I don't come from a large family, I am an only child of a single mother and I only have very few relatives and there wasn't much closeness and shared memories, so a post like this makes me hope for something 'better'. I will pray for your dear aunt.
I think our Grandies would get on famously, having birthdays in the same week (and mine too but who's counting those?!). I have a little heater like yours but in white, I love mine too. Had a tooth out today so feeling more particularly miserable than usual. I loved everything about this post. You all have beautiful homes over there. Much love to you too. xxx
Sorry, forgot to say sending healing thoughts to your Auntie. xxx
Going backwards through your post. Praying right now for your favorite Auntie. It must be so frightening to have a stroke. Love your mom's socks. So much sadness after that game. That cake is just perfect for a 6 year old. I love to visit Skagit Valley during daffodil and tulip season!
Yes, this post is full of things to like;
Miss Bug has the sweetest expression - it speaks of innocence.
I LOVE your new stove - I can see something like that in my future.
The holly bush is wonderful, and we have a Daffodil Hill in the Gold Rush country of California. It has a gazillion daffodils blooming just about now, I'm guessing...well, maybe in March. Here where it's milder our daffodils just opened today!
I always enjoy visiting and seeing your photos. Always wonderful.
So many good things to think about in your post today. I think it's cool that your brother made a toadstool (it must run in the family). The birthday cake DOES look A+! What a blessed little Bug she is.
I do like your mom's socks. I'll bet she's a lot of fun.
And I love your cozy hygge fireplace heater. So very nice.
God bless you, Friend.
What a lovely cheery post - I like your heater, my friend has one and I like the whole feeling of togetherness when we huddle round it. The sleigh looks amazing, it needs a sleigh princess I think (or several!) Betty
Oh I do pray for your beautiful auntie. Such a thing a stroke, but two. far too cold here to think of plants, which is a shame because friends gave me a plant that I have so far managed not to kill, but it really needs to be in the ground to stay alive!
Reading through your post again, just happy things look so bright and sweet and that you had a good trip. The picture of the birthday cake is not downloading, so will check back later for that.
Family, nostalgia, cake, Princess Granddaughter, warmth - must be hygge!
Sorry about your sweet aunt. It's so hard to take when our aging loved ones begin to slip physically :( But the rest of your post is so bright, cheery, spring-like. And that cake! You have skillz :) Pretty post, and thank you for cheering me up. I was feeling a bit gray and gloomy today.
That birthday cake is an explosion of color and goodness. Happy Birthday to the little one. She looks so happy and proud.
So much to take in in your blog with all the bright colors...
Sorry about your aunt. Getting old is not for sissies.
I love that fancy sleigh. A lot of work went in to making a special piece of beauty.
Such wonderful happy hygge moments! xx
Hello Karen, I read your comment on my blog ( btw thank you for visiting me there ! ) I also don't have your e-mail anymore, I give you mine here (please don't publish it): flyefa@hotmail.com
Have a lovely weekend dear friend !
Praying for your auntie! So many good things to celebrate in your post. You did an excellent job on that colorful cake!
The altar reminds me of my hubby's Norwegian Lutheran church where he attended from birth into his 30's.
Love the tulip poster! Gorgeous colors.
Enjoy your toasty little stove. Brings back memories of my woodstove. Is it gas?
The sleigh is wonderful. All it needs is a reindeer!
Happy birthday to Miss Bug! :)
So dear Pom Pom perhaps that is what you truly are: a Hygge-maker not just a home one! Such a lovely concept, indeed. I was so enchanted by the opening poster & it's explosion of colour, I could hardly bare to keep on scrolling down! I am so glad you've been to see your Mama again. How delicious...so much salmon & so many gorgeous flowers.
Well down in the cake department. Doesn't that feel good. I love the variegated holly & the wonderful little heater. Perfect idea. You can't be chilly knitting or the needles don't work quite right!. Won't be too long & you'll be planting up some of this lovely cheery primroses.
Have lovely week Hyggely friend, GK x0x0x
Hope your Auntie will get better soon PomPom. I would like to try some of Miss Bug's birthday cake. Looks divine with all the gummies on top. You must feel homesick looking at your old home. I would be.
What a blessing to be surrounded with all your loved ones.
Hope you have a good weekend
I am so in love with that birthday cake! It made me smile. Thank you for that. :) Kit
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