December is rolling fast like a big snowball. I find I need to stop and think, write in my journal in order to sort out the events, the oncoming "take" on Christmas that our culture brings our way, and our own plans for celebrating the birth of the Savior. I don't wish to rush or be rushed.
We had our first fire and it was beautiful. It smoked up the house at first, but settled down and smelled like happiness. Beach fires, bonfires, candle fire . . . free magic.
I have two little Advent booklets from the Denver Urban Skye. You can go to their website if you'd like to. I read this week's offerings in each one, found them good, but a verse I found in my current study spoke to me most.
"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
You have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance."
Psalm 16:5-6
When I place my head on my pillow at night, I am thankful. I say, "Lord Jesus, thank you for taking care of me today." I feel VERY taken care of, even if I'm sick with a bug or disappointed in some of the day's outcomes, I still feel very provided for. I DO believe the boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places.
With the expectations in place for holiday style or seasonal showings, I don't feel obligated. I have a sense of rightness about "letting it all be" and fall into place. I'll finish up a tiny bit of shopping and packaging. I'll thoughtfully write a few Christmas cards. I'll decorate the tree and set out some favorite things. I'll sit with friends at coffee shops and glean what blesses me when those friends share their hearts. In this moment I will be. Does that appeal to you?
I'll keep click, click, clicking peacefully.
I'll participate in the joyful events I'm invited to.
I'll revel in the company of precious children.
(this is my friend Nancy's window)
I want to keep looking for the beauty in the cracks and crevices of this very full time of the year. I am pleased with my portion.
I too feel blessed, and very conscious that the lines have fallen in pleasant places. God bless you and yours, PP as you prepare for His birthday xx
I too, want to keep peacefully finding the beauty, in this time of year.
Which is happily, very much without stress, at my time of life. :-)
And just saying... That even a person who follows no religion, can find Joy, in this Season.
Just saying... :-)
Gentle hugs,
Life's blessings are all around us if we only take the time to look.
Have a wonderful week, Pom Pom.
gratitude is the key, isn't it?! :)
I have missed your delightful posts. I love to think of you and your knitting needles sitting by the fire. With perhaps snowflakes drifting quietly down.
I think it is wise to pause and enjoy the peace that this year brings. I hope you are recovering from being ill. I hope your day is one filled with peace and quietness.
That is one of my favorite hold onto verses. :)
PP, I have that verse copied on to the back of a photo of Prince Charming, singing in the centre of Belfast one Easter. I was thinking about that verse today! We are blessed x
Very good word...I am letting that soak into my soul!!! Thanks
Hi Pom (:)
Oh all sweetness on your blog..
love the banner candles too !!
HA ..a rolling snowball..boy ain't that the truth~!
Have a wonderful weekend~
A lovely and inspiring post! Not to feel obligated to "do" but rather to "be" what will most bless our Christmas.
I have plenty to be thankful for- I'm glad your Pause in Advent reminded me. Blessings to you. Betty x
Oh Pom, I feel the same about the boundaries!
And yes, enjoying the peace. X
Me too.
Hugs. xx
oh yes, I am pleased with my portion as long as it's God's perfect will. visiting with friends in a coffee's been so long since I've done something like that.
Reading those verses made me cry. Yes, I'm savoring the moments amidst the hustle and bustle of this joyful season. Emmanuel...God with us. Amazing truth that is good to consider...
What a lovely post! I too am pleased with my portion, though sometimes I feel guilty--why do I get so much? Is it because I'm supposed to give some of it away?
These are the years of Grandchildren Christmas for you :) So fortunate! I think it's good to do things in small portions -- a little bit of this, and of that. When we overdo, we regret it. I have music going on the next 2 weeks. Hopefully not too much music. Just right.
Thanks for the post - let peace be with us all this Advent.
Sounds exactly right to me. : )
Christmas as it should be. A time of peace to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
That is a beautiful fire you've got going to bless your house! Good for you, holding on to your steady pace and unruffledness. It will be a good month.
Oooh, I'm loving those candles atop! I;m trying to be a bit like you and let it all happen but some things I know can't happen without my input!Looking forward to our Nativity Play on Thursday - she has one line in it 'You MUST follow the Star'! She's been rehearsing for weeks! Love your knitting, also. My pins are practically catching fire with the speed knitting I've been doing to get things finished on time! Also, my friend, can you pm me your address please? Thank You. x
Such wonderful words and thoughts. xx
Gratitude is definitely the key Dear Pom Pom, beautiful post and words to ponder, thankyou . Lots of love julie xxx
May you continue to be blessed with God's abundant grace as you prepare to celebrate Jesus' birth. I love your choices and your attitude. Enjoy each day and thank you for the reminder of what's most important.
A peaceful spirit, that's what you have. I like your thoughts about Advent.
What a beautiful post PomPom. I like how you surrender to the care of jesus with unquestioning faith. That's where you find peace. That's how it's been for me and it just feels right.
Sometimes when we're sick it helps us to stop and take notice that all is as it should be.
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