Saturday, May 10, 2014

Wobbly Middle Ones

 It's apple blossom time!  
 The evergreens are showing new and juicy green growth, too!

 Dark purple lilacs are hanging over fences and gracing my walking routes.
 Walking in the neighborhood, listening to The Railway Children on Audiobooks, and feeling those unique and strong feelings of "home" and the preciousness of it, well . . . the comfort is miraculous.  

 Miss Bug invited us to her preschool's Grandparent Tea!  She drew the teacups!  What an artist!
 Oh, I love her face!
 Drumroll . . . We have a new grandson!  Another little face to love!  
Children.  Find some to be around, to pay attention to, to learn from.  
Also, find some elders.  They are wise and insightful.  
The middle ones?  They are in flux.  They can be prideful and exterior-based.  I don't mean to be mean, but I think it's true.  The treasures are the young and the old.
I am so thankful that God's grace is so liberally served up and given to me.  Oh, how this wobbly "middle one" needs it.


Left-Handed Housewife said...

Congratulations on the new baby! How exciting. Love all the pictures--I'm so glad to see spring settling in everywhere.


Nancy McCarroll said...

You are gonna love your time off from working, especially with a new little grandson.

Your pictures are delightful.

Farm Girl said...

I am so glad you shared a picture of your new one. I love that tiny little face. I love how you are looking down at him.
I love Railway Children. I try to read it once a year.
All of the flowers are just beautiful where you live.
I love that shot of the mountains you have around you.
I will ponder your "Wobbly middle ones." I am I think on my way to being the old ones.

Lisa Richards said...

I especially love the shot of the lilac up close. God's intricacy! The little blue house looks so interesting a cozy.
Miss Bug is quite an artist and one more grand to enjoy is quite a blessing!
I enjoyed my little grandgirls yesterday. They're so wonderful.
Yes, I think we're getting beyond wobbly. Let's start handing out the sage advice to the young'uns! :)

Lisa Richards said...

I'll add The Railway Children to my reading list! I keep forgetting to do that! ;)

Lisa Richards said...

Got it FREE on my Kindle! :D
(Now I'm finished. Adios!)

Elizabethd said...

Congratulations on that lovely new arrival!

TexWisGirl said...

congratulations on your new little grand!

Kezzie said...

Congratulations on such a,lovely new addition!! I think you are definitely right about learning from the young and the old-very aware of the fallacies in my mind and experience and grateful I can learn from others x

Elderberry-Rob said...

Congratulations on another addition to your huge army of grandchildren! You are going to have so much fun.

Between Me and You said...

You're a very wise 'Middle One'. Celtic Blessings to that cute little baby. How lucky we are to have the gift of grandchildren. I try to be patient with my Mother but just lately, I've been very cranky with her and for that I'm ashamed. Maybe when I get back to feeling 100% I'll get back to being a dutiful daughter.
Lilac and Apple Blossom time here too which gladdens my heart somewhat lately.
I love your yellow gingham too!xxx

Gumbo Lily said...

Oh boy! A precious little boy. I'm so happy for ALL of you. How exciting! I love all the beautiful signs of spring happening all around you. We are much slower at flowering than you, but it's coming.

God bless your new one.

Leslie said...

Congratulations! What a sweet little face.

GretchenJoanna said...

Yay! What a darling baby boy. And sweet shot of you holding him.
Interesting, about the young, middle and old ones... May God enlighten us with the light of His person.

Aida said...

Love all the images of beautiful blooms. Spring brings happiness and joys, so many delightful colours and shapes. Congratulations PomPom on the new grandson. Such bundle of joy!
And thank you for your visit and kind message. I am truly touched and blessed to have blog friends like you.

Hope you have a good week

puttermuch said...

Very well said Pom Pom....!
Congratulations on your beautiful new grandchild!

Melanie said...

Thankyou for taking us on your garden walk Miss Pom Pom. I do miss your lovely ramblings….
Congratulations on your new Grandbaby, he is adorable and very cuddly.
Hoping that you are happy beyond words and enjoying life to the fullest.
Love from across the pond
Melanie x

Jeannette said...

Wobble on! Fun to see the spring come again in your neighborhood....lilacs are so several months ago here!

ann said...

Are you counting the days yet? And are you loving the snow? Not. PomPom, we must get together this summer. Let's meet at the Botanical Gardens. Have you been there? It would a perfect place to take our virtual friendship to the next level. A nice sunny day in July, then?

puttermuch said...

Pom Pom...
I had to chuckle and share your post with my husband today, especially the part about the 'middle ones being in flux', so very true. We were both relieved to find that we aren't the only ones who feel this way!
Have a wonderful day, you'll soon be home full time, good for you!!!

puttermuch said...

Congratulations on your new grandson, what a blessing !!!

Attic Clutter said...

oh sweet of you to sure you are a super nice mom and granny too (;)
the tea party looks fun (:)

Little Black Footprints said...

Beautiful garden and you are blessed and what a lovely grandmother you are xxx

M.E. Masterson said...

Beautiful pics! Congrats on the new little one!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

new 'em! still haven't seen my new little grand-niece but, hopefully, soon.

Heather LeFebvre said...

Congratulations!!! What exciting news!!!! I'm so happy for you! And you are so right about people -- young and old are easiest to be around!! So funny. but, there is no shortcut to getting old. :)

M.K. said...

Very true words.
