Thursday, March 20, 2014

Words and Thoughts

 Here are the best words, the solid words, the eternal words.  Sometimes I use Bible Gateway on my iPhone or the Jesus Calling app, but my heavy black leather Bible feels best.  Yes, I doodle and annotate in a rather messy way.  I like looking back at all that!

 I'm a firm believer is placing fallen leaves in fat books.  I have a lot of leaves and even a dry tulip in my teacher edition of the text book at school, too.  

 That's all, just pen, colored pencil, stickers . . . and words.  Words are pretty much free and most of us have unlimited access to them.  I'm thankful for that.

Well, here's a little more thinking (smile) about how our brains are so functional, and I like to consider all the images that are stored in my brain.  Zillions of pictures framed and sorted.  They appear quickly in strings to match up with my thoughts and immediate experience.  He made me in His image and I can hardly conceive of who I am and how I am made, but the small amount I can wrap my mind around is miraculous and inspiring.  There are so many lights inside of me, tripping along, sparkling and sparking thoughts and feelings.  Each person I come upon today contains so much rich composition.  I think if I really considered this, I'd never give a thought to what I wear or how my hair looks, or how anyone else looks, for that matter.  I'd seek to find the chain of light inside of the good souls I come upon.  


ann said...

And you are a teacher of children. They are the lucky ones. Happy Spring. said...

I love seeing your Bible! Your thoughts, I agree. It will stay with me today.

Farm Girl said...

I am glad you are a writer in books person. My Bible gives me comfort when I run across something that was such a big deal at the time and then come back though and remember how God worked it out. Always so comforting.
I always think your blog is such a happy place to visit. Have a wonderful Thursday.

Elderberry-Rob said...

I do like the idea of being full of lights - at my baptism I asked everyone to sing 'this little light of mine' because I feel I have a little light burning inside, it's our soul isn't it Pompom? God put it there and it shines because he gave us life. I like your thoughts today because, as you can see, they have woken me up to my own thoughts! Betty

Lisa Richards said...

Your words remind me of something that C.S. Lewis said in "The Weight of Glory". I don't have it here to quote exactly, but it was something about if we could see the people around us as they will be in heaven, we would be tempted to fall down and worship them. He meant because we will all be such glorious beings. We should remember that potential when we look at others. As you said, how they look on the outside shouldn't matter. It's something to work on! :)

Leslie said...

I like the peek into your Bible. Nourishing food for the soul.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

to think of all the children you've blessed and let see Jesus in human form. Karen, how I wish you could have been one of my teachers or I could have had a teacher like you!

libbyquilter said...

hmmmmm . . . "I'd seek to find the chain of light inside of the good souls I come upon."

now there's food for thought.


Come Away With Me said...

People as rich compositions - I love that!

no spring chicken said...

Much poetic wonderfulness here... and I never really considered that words are free~ What a wonderful gift that is.

Blessings to you, Debbie

Deb J. in Utah said...

I mark up and write in my bible a lot too. I really love this post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Sandy said...

The Bible says about God that He is the Father of lights, so you're right!! We are lights sent to shine in darkness. Why do we tend to shy away from darkness when that's the very reason we're sent? Oh, and I love to write in my Bible too. I don't think anyone else could even read my Bible. Have a great day and don't forget to shine!!!!

Maggie said...

A lovely post. Fallen leaves in fat books.....I like that xx
