Friday, February 28, 2014

Good Reads and Laughs

 My friend Frances at Left-Handed Housewife is a wonderful author of juvenile novels.  She possesses an intriguing and highly-entertaining writing style herself, but the other day she mentioned Ann Patchett, one of her favorite authors.  Wow!  I'm reading this one.  GOOD!
 Tina at The Quiet Home is reading Amish Peace.  The Kindle price is a steal!  Yay for another great blogger's suggestion!
 Yesterday our school book fair began.  Our librarian supplied a fiesta theme and served treats AND allowed early browsing for the teachers.  I had never heard of the book above.  A father (a librarian himself) read aloud to his daughter EVERY NIGHT from the time she was in 4th grade or so until she left for college.  The daughter is the author.  Reading this book makes me hungry for more books! 
 And speaking of book love, this photo is one I took when I was at our local public library with  Birdie and Miss Bug.  Isn't it cute?  Everyone likes sitting upon toadstools. 
 Now for the smiles!  Look at The Mad Hatter's face!  Ha!
 Look at Millie making a mess of my knitting!  Ha, again!
 It's ALMOST geranium time!  Smiles all around!  Don't geraniums remind you of all things cheerful?  They look so nice in clay pots and they are the perfect finishing touch in a clean kitchen.  
 The bunnies are coming out of their underground homes.  They are hopping about in our back yard when we get up in the morning.  They just in time for the prelude to Easter.  JOY!
Here's one last giggle for you.  Jenny took this cute photo of Plum Cake.  I am home today because I am the Mystery Reader at Miss Bug's preschool.  She doesn't know I'm coming.  I think I'll wear my ruby slippers.


TexWisGirl said...

cute little girl and cute bunny, too. i do like the toadstool.

Left-Handed Housewife said...

So glad you're reading Ann P's new book--I loved it! If you haven't read Belle Canto by the same author, I hope you will.

I love book fairs! Our school does a used book fair but not a Scholastic fair, and it breaks my heart.

Beautiful babies, even when they get into the yarn!


Lisa Richards said...

"The Reading Promise" looks like something I'd love!
Where did you run into the Mad Hatter?
Such a fun post! Grandgirls are such rascals, and so much fun!
Have a great day being the Mystery Reader in ruby slippers! :)

GretchenJoanna said...

I always loved the book fairs during the years when my children were in school. I still have some falling-apart Scholastic books that are real gems we got for pennies back then.
Did you design the library's furniture? ;-)

Gumbo Lily said...

It seems I've got little time for reading lately, but I love a good book recommend. Your grandbabes are such cutie pies. Have fun being a mystery reader.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love any blog post about good books! Thanks for the recommendations!

Farm Girl said...

I love that the girls were not afraid of the Mad Hatter. They look so happy.
I think it would simply be bliss to have bunnies in my yard every morning. I love the picture of your little yarn lover. She will be a knitter don't you think.
All of your books look like lovely reads. I read today while it rained outside. The first time I have read a book and enjoyed it in such a long time. It is nice to see words.
Well have a delightful evening. I love all of those comfy mushrooms to sit on while listening to stories.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Karen, I just mentioned Knitting by Faith (I think) on my blog; it's a 99 cents Kindle download and very good. I thoroughly enjoyed it, read it in one evening.

Fat Dormouse said...

Lovely, lovely books!
For adolescent reading I really love "The Wind Eye" by Robert Westall. Suitably creepy and mysterious.

Nancy McCarroll said...

The toadstools are YOU!

Fun that you were the Mystery Reader, and that you got a day off school, sort of.

I'll look into more Ann Patchett.

ann said...

You have such a fun job and I know that your students must love you. They are very lucky. Crummy weather today. Will it soon end? Love the toad stool stool and the ladybug stool.

Kezzie said...

All Those books look hugely interesting!!! Must try them!! I hope you are well too!! X

Vicki Boster said...

Thank you for your book suggestions- I love seeing what other people are reading. Your photo is just precious-- she is so cute in that little tutu-- I bet you had a grand time at the book reading:)

M.K. said...

I love that photo of Miss Bug with her very BLUE tutu -- so cute!! I love the toadstools in the library. I've never seen that before, and so perfect for YOU :) Happy reading, Pom!

Heather L. said...

Oh I will check out that Reading Promise book!!! Thanks!
