Thursday, March 14, 2019

One Mermaid Tail Down

One mermaid tail down, five more to go.  Do you like the water-y over skirt?  

You may have seen on the news that Colorado got a lot of snow (airport was shut down).  Tim is cold and tired of freezing temps.

 I found a baby picture of Timothy.  Can you believe how cute that face is?

 I made granola and it tastes so good, but makes me feel a little blah.  I think I'll give it to Jenny's family.  Gluten free oats still have gluten as it so happens. 
 Still loafing around on the heated blanket.  Soon the heated blanket will be put away.  Tim will miss it. I probably will, too! 
 If I could ever get away from my multiple knitting projects and sewing responsibilities, I might work some of my cross stitch kits.  Yikes! 

 Old ping pong tables are nice for cutting fabric.
 Do you love purple potatoes? I do.  I think I need to buy a new pan, don't you?

 I made some cookies with almond flour AND coconut flour (and a little of that Italian flour) and they are pretty tasty.  They aren't pretty, but tasty.  Isn't it a little scary that some of the food additives were invented to make our food look better but not actually BE better for US?
 It was a pretty amazing snow storm!  This is over at Jenny's house. 
 I ordered some Icelandic Lopi wool from The Woolly Thistle.  Isn't it pretty?  More pinky purple.  I can't resist.

I really do love to do things that are homey and involve sitting (lol) but soon the weather will be bright and cheery and I'll go outside more.  
Thank you for stopping in to see what I've been up to.  I'm so thankful for my blog because I can go back and back and back and look at all of our doings and see growth.  I believe God's hand is clearly evident both in the seen and the unseen.  Encouraging.
Take care, good visitors.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Purple and Bread

Hello friends!  Isn't the color above SO pretty?  It's a pinky purple-y dark lilac shade.  It's the same sweater I'm knitting with our daughter in law, April.  Hers is finished and I am soldiering on with the sleeves.  It fits!  Yay!  

I have a new theory and it's a guess so don't quote me, but I think that USA grains are tainted because of the pressure to produce a higher yield (and thus make more money) and because of all the "messing about with soils, seeds, chemicals" our USA grains cause digestive issues AND inflammation issues. I have learned that many people with gut problems do not have a problem when they are eating in Europe, but when they come home to the USA, they can't eat gluten.  So I ordered some flour from Italy.  Look at the lovely loaf my new Italian flour made!

I think I told you that I am helping our Kelli with her new Christian musical theater company.  I am sewing costumes.  I admit to a little worry that my sewing skills may be a smidge rusty, but I'm jumping in.  Do you like Tiger Lily's costume?  That's the mattress (behind the dress) the grands jump on when they come over to play.  Not a lovely backdrop, is it?

 Kelli didn't like my creative feather.  
 Here is another pullover "jumper" I am making.  I am very purple these days.  

 When I ordered wool from The Woolly Thistle, Corrine sent this cute card.  Oh, how I love sheep themed EVERYTHING.  It's a bookmark in my Bible now. 
 Smoked salmon and pineapple look pretty together don't they?  Someone at our grocery store likes this Norwegian salmon, too. Last time I was there it was all sold.  Also, the paper towels I like weren't available.  Weird.  We didn't used to have this problem at the local store.  I wonder why it's happening now. 
 James is getting so grown up, isn't he?  Oh how I love his sweet and handsome face.  Doesn't it seem like a short time ago he was a brand new baby?  I know you remember. 
 And "thank you, God" that this one is only two years old.  My friend Kim has two striped kitties and they are old so I hope that means our Tim will live a long long long life.  He's such a darling little teddy bear. 
 Which summer bulb is your favorite?  I like freesias and glads!  I like them all.  It's still too frozen to plant anything here. 
 MK mentioned that I take a lot of photos of the grocery store produce section and I do!  I also like to take pictures of the flowers.  These sunflowers are so delicate and pretty.  
 I have a new brand of favorite shoes.  I am always trying to find the perfect comfortable shoes and Skechers fit the bill.  These look like slippers but they are light and spongey, just the way I like for shoes to feel.  

March is very nice so far.  She's a little cold, but we change the clocks this weekend and the days are brighter.  Yay.

Kelli is coming over later so we can make mermaid tails.  I forgot how many characters there are in Peter Pan.  I forgot about the mermaid lagoon and the pirate scenes.  I still need to make Wendy's nightie and Tink's green top.  At least sewing is faster than knitting.
Well, it's time for a cup of tea and a little smackerel of something. Thank you for popping by to say hello 💖
