Friday, October 29, 2010

Home is Good

Hello there! I'm back and happy. I missed my daily jaunts over to my blog spots and I can't wait to wander around this evening. I have just a few photos to share. I am afraid we are extremely boring vacationers. Water. Sand. Way too much food.

We had a lovely view of the "fancy pink hotel" from our balcony. I liked sitting out there in the wee hours of the morning, soaking up the water view and the busy doings of the city.

The first few mornings, we ate vacation breakfasts. We couldn't keep up that pace. Jet lag. Four hour time difference. Laying around in the sand. One meal had to go. I liked these colorful dishes.

Our beach mattresses. Aren't they pretty?

The "wowie zowie" bedspread. We had such relaxing sleeps.

A bird for Betty

Pretty night strolls

Last call for a cheese burger in paradise

And home for Jenny's birthday! I groggily joined Kelli and Jenny and the sweetie pie girls for lunch. I can't sleep on planes and it was an all night flight. I am so happy to see these sweet cheeked girls. I wish I could soar up to Ft. Collins and go "trick or treating" with CB, Finn, and Aria, too.

The sweet faced mamas. Love them.

Jenny and Scott are blessed with a new home. They've been busy moving and are getting settled in their sweet house. So thankful!

I did some delicious reading while we were in Hawaii and I'll share about three good books soon. I have to say I found all the glitzy stores and merchandising exhausting. I just had my backpack, stuffed with serviceable clothes to get me through the week. I realized that I have no heart for fancy stuff and if we go to Hawaii again, I want to stay far away from the label stores. Ugh. I really hated my swim suit by the end of it. Don't really like my Birks that served me all summer anymore. Bill said they are ugly and I kind of agree. I did buy two hippie bracelets. They are fun to look at. Oh, I wanted to show you my new haircut, didn't I?

What do you think?

I am so glad to be home to my peanut butter toast and English Breakfast tea. So happy to have a few days to rest and mark papers. I like home best. I like the smell of our house and our lack of mirrors. Good grief. There are way too many mirrors in hotels. I kept thinking, "Oh it's you again. Stand up straighter," when I'd look at myself. Enough already.
So, I'm going over to pop in on you guys, see what I missed in Blog Land.
Thank you for stopping in to say hello!
Sunday, we'll go over to Kelli's and trick or treat with two Sleeping Beauties and a chicken. Cute photos to come.
Sending BIG and REAL love your way and saying prayers of "thank you" for a safe getaway and a happy homecoming. (HUG!)


GretchenJoanna said...

Sand, water, and food -- NOT boring. Glitzy stores, now that would be boring. I'm sure I'd feel the same way you do, and about the mirrors, too. I'm glad to hear this report, because if we ever go to Hawaii I want to be sure we get mostly the same old same old sand and water and such like.

Heart Felt said...

Welcome home, looks like you had a wonderful time away. xx

Kelli said...

I certainly missed YOU but have to say, I missed your blogging more than I thought I would! :) I hadn't realized how much I enjoy checking on it every night to see your pretty pics and sweet words. <3

Gigi said...

Hi Pom! So glad you had a good restful vacation, but home is always best, isn't it?

debbie bailey said...

I'm glad you're back and had a good time. Home is best, isn't it? The best part of a trip is coming home.

Bradley W. Maston said...

So glad you are back safe and sound. What a lovely vacation for pompom! So very wonderful, so very beautiful. I love you so very much.

Elizabethd said...

I loved Hawaii! We did stay right away from the main town , at the far end near Diamond Head, and it was much more peaceful there.
Glad to see you back!

Sue McPeak said...

Glad to see you made it back home! I saw that Pink Hotel when HiHoney and I were in Hawaii back in 1968 when we were there for R&R..Rest & Recouperation from VietNam. It was the first time I had traveled outside of Texas.

I wanna see your new Haaiiirr Huny! Your Gals are soooo cute. I bet they were glad to see you!

Have a fun Halloween!

melanie said...

Your holiday looks so lovely, I love the pink hotel :) xxx

Angela said...

Glad you are home safe AND that you had a good time!
blessings !

Lynn said...

Hello - I kept think on my holiday "I wonder what Pom Pom's doing on her holiday" - lol!

The dB family said...

Welcome back!! Water, sand, and food sounds perfect! That's my kind of vacation! So nice that you could come home to see family right away. Can't wait to see your new 'do!

Blessings, and hugs to you!

libbyquilter said...

what a great feeling when home feels better than "paradise"~!!~
it's good to see you back safe and sound and happy~!


Leslie said...

So glad you had a relaxing time. I would love a low key "boring" vacation right now. Love your new hair do! :D

Gumbo Lily said...

Welcome home beach baby! Soaking in the sun on the beach sounds like my kind of vacation.

I'm glad you had a good time and that you are contentedly back at home doing wonderfully ordinary things. Happy Trick-or-Treat!


A garden just outside Venice said...

Hi sunshine!
Welcome back and happy birthday to Jenny!
I hope you had my thank you email for your wonderful parcel!
Boring vacationers, eh?!I'm green with envy..look at that beautiful beach and amazing blue sky..gggrr! :)
Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

A boring holiday? Wow, I wish I could have a holiday! Welcome home Pom Pom. xx

Anonymous said...

Happy homecoming. The familiar comforts of home are the nicest of pleasures.
Eve x

Left-Handed Housewife said...

Welcome home! I like home best, too, though a trip to Hawaii in mid-February would be most welcome. Glad you're back!


Anonymous said...

Looks like it was just lovely! It does always feel nice to be back home though.

Welcome Back!

Kerri said...

Yay you're home! Your trip looks wonderful! I loved that bird with the amazing red head and the sea looks so beautiful and clear. Still, home is best isn't it?
