Hello friends! Wow. Yes, I am still alive. I haven't posted for two months or more. I don't know why. Anyway, let's carry on! Don't you love the napkins pictured above? I do love fabric from India and even though I did not order these for use as napkins (I might use them as napkins after all) I just wanted to touch the fabric and look at all those nice squares. Do you like squares of fabric like fat quarters? Do you like to go to fabric stores? Our big one is closing so I don't think I will be able to find a large selection of dressmaker fabric near me anymore. When I was a child, the fabric shops were abundant.
My sister sent me this adorable necklace. I love the pearl head and the shoes and purse.
I finally remembered to serve Bill and I pancakes on Shrove Tuesday this year! That was a lot of fun! I didn't want to drag my pancake grill up from the basement so I used my regular pan. They weren't beautiful, but they tasted very good!
See how my hair is thinning? It's been happening for decades and I am not bald yet. I would like my braid to grow three inches longer. Every time I get my hair cut, I like it one day. After that, I feel remorse, so I shall save a lot of money by not continuing to try new hairdos. I am too old to worry about my hair, even though I seem to keep thinking about it. Do you spend much time planning YOUR hair?
I've been reading a lot, knitting, writing, ironing, cooking, and trying to stay warm. Today is lovely and I must go walking. In the morning it is very cold, so I rely on hot water bottles, heating pads, and a space heater. Our upstairs is warmer than my little hobbit hole downstairs.
I've been watching social history videos from the UK. I see that people were VERY cold most of the time because the houses were cold. It's interesting seeing how working class people lived because we already know how the aristocracy lived from all the movies and television shows we've watched. I like to imagine myself cooking over a fire, hanging my washing above the fire, and climbing twisty stairs to sleep.
I must go upstairs and do my little bookkeeping job I do for Bill. Then I will go out for a short walk and listen to Lark Rise to Candleford.
I am so glad you stopped in today.
Are you doing anything special for Lent? I am doing a series of devotionals found in the back of God on Mute by Pete Greig. I like it.
I love winter but now I am excited for spring because I bought two flower seed packets. One of them is full of shade wildflowers and one will go in the sunny spots.
I hope you are thinking deep thoughts, offering your prayers to God, and experiencing many opportunities to extend kindness and offer love.
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