Friday, March 8, 2024

The March Wind Doth Blow

We've had a snowy morning, not the kind that piles up and requires shoveling, but the small wet sort of weather that reminds me that it is MARCH, not May. The daffodil painting was given to me by my sweet friend across the pond, Betty.  She is very talented.  I love it and I find it especially appealing this time of year.   We don't have things growing just yet.  I have not seen daffodils in the flower department at the grocery store.  

Easter is just over three weeks away and I am behind on my daily Lent study.  Lent seems to have gone by faster this year.  The book I've been using is titled, From Death to Life: 40 Days of Dying to Self and Living for Christ.  It's beautifully presented and I'm learning some important truths again and feeling so loved, so saved.

I made the bracelet below over five years ago. My friend Sondra was organizing a craft for a Bible study group I was going to and I jumped ahead, went to the craft store and made my bracelet.  Everyone else's bracelets were delicate and shiny, unlike my rather bold and simple version.  I do like it.
There is NO Irish soda bread at our grocery store.  Why?  I think the people who run our local store are not happy.  I get the feeling that they are all sort of tired and there is no creative vision evident in the displays.  We rarely see hot cross buns either.  I shall make some.  I've done it before and they did not turn out beautiful, but I think they might be prettier this time around.  Have you been in any happy shops lately?  I love yarn shopping but most yarn shops I have visited are not welcoming or cheerful.  Why is that?  Other people have said the same thing, so I know it's not just me.
Oh!  Our grandchildren are almost grown ups. Yikes!  That happened very fast.  They are LOVELY and smart and faith-filled, but Noah is our youngest and he is SEVEN years old.  I could be a great grandmother within five years possibly!  I guess it's okay to look like an old granny now.  LOL!
Thank you for stopping in, friend.
I hope your March holds the promise of spring!  Let's not forget to buy kites.  No, the grocery store doesn't have kites yet!
I might drop a suggestion or two in the suggestion box (maybe I'll make an old fashion suggestion box and leave it on the service counter, with a few of my ideas inside).  Ha!
Sending love and cheer xo 

