Sunday, February 4, 2024

Nice February

Hi February friends!  I'm still working on the Beekeeper's Quilt, so I sewed the hexagons together and now I am more aware of how long it takes to make ONE hexagon because I have been attaching them as I go.  Oh well.  

Here is my basket of dollies.  When I am ironing I often pick them up, one at a time, and admire them.  Jenny said, "Your generation likes dolls."  Hmmmmm.  So?

This little sweetheart turned 15!  Now she has her learner's permit and can get behind the wheel! She was so little when I started this blog.  This blogging thing has gone on a long time!

 Bill is doing well.  He feels so good and he is very willing to go to all of his follow up appointments.  We're so grateful he's on the mend.

I have been sitting around a lot.  I've been reading and studying.  I have been knitting.  I even bought a log book to record my walks but I only have one walk recorded.  Yesterday it snowed so much but today is better - the snow is leaving. 

Remember we got a new mattress?  Well, it isn't a dream mattress at all.  It's foam, but it's hard.  Sometimes I wake up in the morning and groan.  Ouch! I'm not sure why I can't get it right. Bill doesn't complain, but I didn't want to choose too soft of a mattress so we have a mattress that is too firm.  Do you have this problem?  I think I could sleep well in the softest mattress there is available.  Jenny and Kelli have purple mattresses and they are very soft, but also very expensive.  I don't even like to sit on hard chairs.  I am always on the lookout for booths at restaurants and cushy chairs at other people's homes. End of complaint.  ๐Ÿ˜‚

I have soup in the crock pot.  I put in sweet potatoes, russet potatoes, onions, bacon, orange peppers, chicken broth, a can of cream of mushroom soup, almond milk, a little cheese, and salt and pepper.  Do you think it'll taste weird?  I'm going to go upstairs and taste it.  We might have to go fetch burritos for dinner!  LOL!

I dropped my apple watch and it cracked.  It doesn't work now.  I have had it a very long time and I have decided that I am fine without being tethered to ๐ŸŽ.  Free!

I hope you have a happy love month!  I used to want to buy new heart things but I am over that now.  I might make heart cookies.

I hope you know you are loved by quite a few people.  I hope you know that you are loved by the King of kings.

Talk soon.
