Wednesday, March 24, 2021

A Few Things

 Hi!  I was cleaning the house, getting ready for our small group and I decided to make a curtain to cover up the clutter.  So, behind the checked skirt is "stuff" that I didn't have the verve to organize!
I had a flat tire at the grocery store so I had to wait for Bill to pick me up.  The geese in the parking lot are not shy.

I hope you can be still for a while today. 
I also hope you sense the Light.

I am going to cook some bacon in the oven this morning and then I think I'll bake a gluten-free, sugar-free apple pie.  We'll see how that works.

I have a good idea for the Jolly Postman's journey.  It's probably been fairly obvious that I have been lacking some focus since I've been talking about Jolly's blog hop and country hop for over a year๐Ÿ˜‚
Jolly Postman is going to travel to different blog hostess's homes/towns because he is looking for a wife.  Each blogger that welcomes him will set him up on "dates" and as he travels the world, he'll take all the potential brides with him in his book of envelopes.  By the time he gets to Mags in Ireland, he will have A LOT of choices with him. When he returns to me, I'll organize the potential wives and send him to one lucky hostess and she will choose the wife for Jolly.
I'm going to write my Jolly/wife story and make a few wife candidates before I send him (and the girls) to Lisa.  I think it sounds fun and funny.  Do you?  It's very silly.
I'm sure you've heard of the great tragedy that occurred in Boulder, Colorado.  We grieve and we pray for the broken hearts of the families who lost a loved one. Thank you for praying, too.
It's snowing here. Time for bacon and pie.
Thank you for popping in, friend!



Between Me and You said...

Indeed thoughts and prayers to those who suffered such tragic loss in the midst of such senseless violence. Hope you're recuperation continues apace my dear

Kim said...

Pretty curtains always covers a multitude of sins. =) Jolly Postman in search of a wife....sounds like there is a story or two there. The news of the tragic mass shootings there in Colorado, and Atlanta last week; just devastating. I cannot begin to imagine how those dear people who have lost a loved one are feeling right now. So many lives broken, shattered; it's just all too, too sad.

M.K. said...

Jolly's adventures sound very exciting and romantic :) Certainly he will find a wife in all his fun travels! Timothy does look so luxurious. It's hard to imagine him any other way than very chill :)

Granny Marigold said...

I like your little curtain. I intend to make a similar one to hide "stuff" in my garden shed. I've been looking at the thrift store for a floral sort of sheet that could work for that.
I have a SIL that eats neither sugar nor gluten so if the apple pie turns out please post the recipe. It's hard to make anything with neither of those things.
The Colorado shooting is yet another nightmare involving guns and a demented person. So sad.

happyone said...

Love the gingham curtain you made. I have two chairs with that pattern.
Timothy enjoys his naps!!
So sad about more killing!!!

Julia said...

I love the black and white gingham and it looks so nice and fresh.

Timothy looks so cozy and lazy and gets lots of zzzs.
Yes, it's so sad about all the loss of innocent lives.

I hope poor Jolly finds a good wife before long.

Take care,
Hugs, Julia

Kim said...

Love the cute little skirt you whipped up, Pom! Very cottagey. ๐Ÿ 

I did hear about the Boulder tragedy. Such a grievous evil. So many sick people in the world, anxious to hurt others. May God have mercy on their souls.

Julie said...

I love your sweet curtain dear Pom Pom & think it looks just wonderful. I also love that wee furry boy who is looking so happy & healthy & CuTe. xx

ellen b. said...

Love the way you covered up the clutter. Looks nice. Ugh...sorry about the flat tire. Glad hubby could come to your rescue. Was sorry to hear about the killings in Boulder. May God comfort the grieving.
Sounds like you have some good plans bubbling around in your head. :)

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like the gingham curtain you made.

Yes, it was very sad about Boulder, the news in the UK was covering the sad event. My thoughts and prayers to everyone affected.

All the best Jan

Between Me and You said...

Oh no! I left a comment on the first day but it's not showing up! Our clocks go forward tonight so we will be seeing an extra hour of light which I hope will be a precursor to better days ahead filled with lots of light! Have a great weekend my dear friend. xxx

Jeanie said...

I like your skirt and of course you have the most handsome cat! But I really loved that you actually used the word "verve." You don't hear it that much and it was refreshing to me.

kestrel said...

Wish I was as good as sewing as you are. Pretty mini skirt for your cupboard, like the black-white gingham material. Reminds me of dresses we wore as kids, gingham was pretty popular for children then. Handsome kitty looking very relaxed too.

Farm Girl said...

Lovely skirt on that table. You are so clever. I didn't know you got a flat tire? I love geese. I am glad its going to be spring in your area.
Have a lovely Easter.

Elderberry-Rob said...

I am sorry ref that tragedy, when something happensclose to home it reminds us how precious life is. Your post is otherwise cheery as always and I apologise for not visiting so much this last year. I wish you peace and spiritual awareness at Easter. I'm afraid my faith/views have lapsed a little but I do still see the light - Betty x

Elderberry-Rob said...

p.s. Won't be in the hosting for your Jolly blog hop but will enjoy watching his progress!

magsmcc said...

A wife??!! I must get planning on the Irish colleen front! Excitement galore. I am so sorry to hear of sad events. Prayers x

Lisa Richards said...

The Jolly Postman idea sounds like loads of fun! Woo hoo!
Mmmm. Bacon!
Yes, prayers for Boulder.
Hugs to you!

Kezzie said...

Such a horrid thing to happen.
I love your skirt to hide the things- I need something like that! Hope all is well with you!x
