Did you have a nice Easter? I hope so! We had a funny one because Kelli and her family got pink eye and the flu! Jenny and Sam came and ate with us (Scott and Plum were at a basketball game having gone to church on Saturday). Poor Kelli!
I found two fat chicken toys at the grocery store for James and Noah. Isn't this a fine hen?
I'm also knitting a chicken. The pattern is called The Emotional Support Chicken. I am at the part where you increase and wrap and turn to make her breast. I sort of stall when I have to keep count of rows and pay attention to the pattern. 😂
Look at these silly Crocs. One of my friends asked, "Do you buy shoes for comfort or because you like the way they look?" 😂
I don't think I showed you my big print Bible (I found it at Sam's Club) and the way I made collages in the front of it. I do love to collage. It's my favorite artsy thing, I think.
Are you excited for summer? I used to be so excited for summer to come, remember? Now I am less excited about hot weather I usually buy some new summer clothes because I fear being too warm and then I spend most of my time in our air conditioned house and I really don't need island/resort wear!
I am going to go take a walk, maybe to the grocery store to buy Cheerios so the preschool kids at Bible study can make necklaces.
I'm trying to eat a low carb diet (boring info, I know) so I might look at nuts in the snack section! Do you like to eat nuts?
Thank you for stopping by! It's always nice when you do! xo