Tuesday, April 9, 2024

April Stuff or Stuff in April

Hello April!  April showers bring May flowers!  We haven't really had showers, just a bit of snow and some wild wind.  At Noah's lacrosse game the wind was cold!  Christie and James bundled up!  We did, too!  Isn't Christie beautiful?  She's so beautiful inside, too!

Did you have a nice Easter?  I hope so!  We had a funny one because Kelli and her family got pink eye and the flu! Jenny and Sam came and ate with us (Scott and Plum were at a basketball game having gone to church on Saturday). Poor Kelli! 

I found two fat chicken toys at the grocery store for James and Noah. Isn't this a fine hen? 

I've been reading some books about how fairy tales inform our story minds so I've been dabbling in fairy tales.  Do you have a favorite?  I really like The Gingerbread Man and The Steadfast Tin Soldier.
I'm also knitting a chicken. The pattern is called The Emotional Support Chicken.  I am at the part where you increase and wrap and turn to make her breast.  I sort of stall when I have to keep count of rows and pay attention to the pattern.  😂
Look at these silly Crocs.  One of my friends asked, "Do you buy shoes for comfort or because you like the way they look?" 😂
I don't think I showed you my big print Bible (I found it at Sam's Club) and the way I made collages in the front of it.  I do love to collage.  It's my favorite artsy thing, I think.
Are you excited for summer?  I used to be so excited for summer to come, remember?  Now I am less excited about hot weather  I usually buy some new summer clothes because I fear being too warm and then I spend most of my time in our air conditioned house and I really don't need island/resort wear!  

I am going to go take a walk, maybe to the grocery store to buy Cheerios so the preschool kids at Bible study can make necklaces.  

I'm trying to eat a low carb diet (boring info, I know) so I might look at nuts in the snack section! Do you like to eat nuts?

Thank you for stopping by!  It's always nice when you do! xo


