Finally! I share my Rule of Life. As a quick intro, to clarify the organization, I started with my life vision because that's the most important portion. Next, the intentions, and finally the means. The means can change. They might flex in order to remain faithful to the vision. The rhythm of my particular journey is meant to help me fulfill the vision. This isn't about goals. Bill says vision draws while goals drive. I don't want to be driven. I want my vision to draw me to Jesus.
Vision: I desire to be a woman who pursues Jesus for
eternity, adores Him, is filled with awe, and serves Him.
To worship God
To KNOW His love for me
To open myself up to God
To relinquish the false
To relinquish the idols
in my heart
To share my life
To hear God’s Word
To incarnate the love of
To pray my life
· ~ say the Lord’s Prayer before I get out of bed (if I find
myself doing this thoughtlessly, write it down)
· ~ green chair time with Bill/coffee and prayer
· ~ Bible reading (including a Proverb per day)/morning pages
(journaling)/written prayers/confession, listening quietly and writing,
memorize scripture
· ~ House blessing (cleaning, arranging, preparing)
· Noon (Divine Office)
· 3:00 pm walk or read something soul nourishing
· 4:00 Midday Office
· 5:00 Examen
· 7:00 say the Lord’s Prayer/Read the Divine Office in bed
Throughout the day: pray for people when they come to mind, text or call the kids, go outside and interact with nature, pray before eating,
move around, dedicate meetings with women to the Lord, asking Him to bathe the
time in His Spirit, write letters of encouragement (1 per week), pray for Bill’s
staff and donors, say the Jesus Prayer, read my Statements of Faith cards
Fast breakfast and lunch
on Mondays
Mondays: Use the Book of Common Prayer or The
Paraclete Psalter for morning/afternoon readings in place of meals
Wednesday: SING!
(Lutheran hymnal, praise and worship songs)
Thursdays: Write a psalm-like prayer in the morning
Read one of the gospels
straight through (first Friday of the month)
Write a lament (last
Friday of the month)
Walk the neighborhood and
pray for our community (last Saturday of the month)
Make a list of the people
that I want to protect/love/know in the here and now